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12748 visitas
10 comentarios
Diogenes Mota 8

Comical and Interesting. Fine combination.

Diogenes Mota 13/06/2011 02:47:26   
KakarottoSSJ6 1

Sissy Fire loooool !!!

KakarottoSSJ6 13/06/2011 17:31:10   
Grimmjow 1

awesome illustrations, GG guys !!!

Grimmjow 13/06/2011 22:56:49   
a100g60 1

Mineshaft is a super cool character !!!

a100g60 14/06/2011 10:26:58   
Ouroboros 28

a100g60 ha dicho:Mineshaft is a super cool character !!! he is a dwarf there is nothing cooler

Ouroboros 15/06/2011 22:52:26   
Diogenes Mota 8

a100g60 ha dicho:Mineshaft is a super cool character !!!

Too strong for the startes, I think. Megane is too weak in comparison to the two others.

Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 22:20:08   
Diogenes Mota 8

A little too overpowered these guys...

Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 22:18:57   
Ki11er 1

"Sissy fire" Mineshaft Rocks.

Ki11er 01/07/2011 20:33:29   
Cole 2

lol quicker than searching for twigs too.

And those two don't seem all that overpowered. They are experienced/veteran adventurers.

Cole 05/09/2011 03:09:31   
Eddie Nash 6

Yes, because regular everyday people can easily kick down a tree, not to mention there was already a fallen tree, so why kill another one?

Eddie Nash 28/06/2014 17:48:47   
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