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Guildadventure 31

And with that surprising words the plot advances, and the chapter...ends!

We will have a few pages of extras and then the 4th episode will start with some answers, ¿what's the meaning of Rago words?, where he comes from?, what will be Kono answer?, will Rago survive for long with Reika close?, for all that and more dont change the channel

One thing is for sure, the legendary beast, dead or alive, is as thaught as the creature in this video Son permitidos links en los comentarios solo para los miembros del equipo!

Guildadventure 29/05/2012 04:15:51   
Re-al Boss 5

this guy's got balls

Re-al Boss 24/07/2013 05:30:40   

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Autor :

Equipo : , ,

Versión original: Español

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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