very cool ! I love this comic !
Cool illustration, how much time do you need to draw something that cool ?
Humm... This page took me 3 days. (too much time...) and it´s from a photograph this background But it´s complicated even by this way...
Super ! Are you using a tablet or drawing on paper Johandark ?
I do everything with a Wacom Tablet. and Photoshop CS3 in Mackintosh.
Makes me think about "blood the last vampire"... vampires with Katana I guess
jajaja... Well... it´s possible
wow how Jaume did manage to jump that high ????
Hmmm.... Good Question...
Jaume-Jameson is an acrobat lol
The main question is : Why did he do that, knowing what was going to happened ? Does he have suicidal tendencies ?
Autor : johandark
Equipo : MROscar, Cap. AR!, oogamishiguma, Byabya~~♥, Smiley, evajung, sunpath, abby19, Bardock, Nico 13, lysgris, SAM_KYXA
Traducido por : evajung
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Miercoles, Viernes
Tipo : manga
Género : Fantasía - SF
¡A partir de 0.49 € !En HD y sin DRM
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very cool ! I love this comic !
Hitsugaya 14/06/2011 08:40:35Cool illustration, how much time do you need to draw something that cool ?
DRAGONBALLZ 15/06/2011 05:10:21Autor
Humm... This page took me 3 days. (too much time...) and it´s from a photograph this background
But it´s complicated even by this way...
johandark 17/06/2011 18:28:06Super ! Are you using a tablet or drawing on paper Johandark ?
IchigoKurosaki 16/06/2011 01:29:20Autor
I do everything with a Wacom Tablet. and Photoshop CS3 in Mackintosh.
johandark 17/06/2011 18:28:45Makes me think about "blood the last vampire"... vampires with Katana I guess
KakarottoSSJ6 17/06/2011 18:15:28Autor
jajaja... Well... it´s possible
johandark 17/06/2011 18:29:15wow how Jaume did manage to jump that high
Terminator 18/06/2011 14:18:15Autor
Hmmm.... Good Question...
johandark 19/06/2011 10:27:26Jaume-Jameson is an acrobat lol
Sandy 19/06/2011 11:10:41The main question is : Why did he do that, knowing what was going to happened ? Does he have suicidal tendencies ?
Meumeujeu 19/06/2011 11:27:56lol!
Gothic Angel 21/07/2014 19:07:52