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TDBanimefan 5

Oh Feldin you fucked up. Fucked up really bad. I mean really bad, if you guys just leave that there...everyone with the same power as Ryna will be revealed. Not only that, but the place your going to, a potential home for the rest of their kind. I feel that this is just a way to explain how future enemies will get to them though, still, I don't entirely like it.

TDBanimefan 26/08/2015 02:14:34   
AceAssassain 8

I agree

AceAssassain 17/04/2018 05:57:06   
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7 comentarios en otros idiomas.
Kyubi99 22

♥♥♥Love♥♥♥ (je vais mettre ce commentaire dès qu'on va la voir xD)


Kyubi99 21/05/2013 17:15:01   
PeekaBoo 19



PeekaBoo 22/05/2013 08:59:54   
wessy 46

Et la elle va dire "pas un gosse de riche hein ..." n'empêche, je la sent toujours pas cette fille '-'


wessy 22/05/2013 10:57:24   
Mr Shuyin 31

Et hop un petit tour dans la chambre en arrivant !!


Mr Shuyin 22/05/2013 15:11:29   
Kyubi99 22

Et hop, ils sortent à 3. xD


Kyubi99 22/05/2013 17:16:38   
Mr Shuyin 31

lol, les coquins ^^


Mr Shuyin 22/05/2013 18:18:11   
Miizu 8

Kawaï ^^


Miizu 27/05/2013 19:13:05   

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