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Jesus4U 6

Awesome transformation scene.

He definately look like one of the Deep Ones, I'm guessing he is quite possibly Cthulhu the High Priest of the Great Old Ones.

The question then is, is he still following Azatoth the Mad ?

Jesus4U 08/06/2012 12:42:09   
johandark 34

Jesus4U ha dicho:Awesome transformation scene.

He definately look like one of the Deep Ones, I'm guessing he is quite possibly Cthulhu the High Priest of the Great Old Ones.

The question then is, is he still following Azatoth the Mad ?

Cthulhu doesn´t follow anybody.

Azathoth is just more powerful (in theory, because LoveCraft never talked about which other god was stronger than other).

So...everything is possible.

johandark 12/06/2012 21:36:25   
Jesus4U 6

Cthulhu was most definately a High Priest of the Great Old ones, that much was stated quite clearly.

Wether or not he was a follower or not, is a bit more murky, since our human concepts don't always fit so well with Cthulhu's reality.

Jesus4U 13/06/2012 23:07:21   
Guildadventure 31

Technically Azathoth is not an Old One, but a Endless One, wich are the essence of the universe, and so supodselly stronger

The Old Ones also where believed to be banished from earth by the Forgotten Ones, so supodselly they are also stronger (or simply they have more numbers or better strategy)

Anyway Azathoth is too idiot to command anything xD

Guildadventure 13/06/2012 11:48:39   
Jesus4U 6

HP Lovecraft's scale was pretty simple ... the older you got, the stronger you were - To a point.

The Deep Ones was pretty young in the scheme of it all. all sorts of different races, but mostly still bound to a physical body of some sort.

The Great Ones was local dieties, such as the River God and the Lier-In-Wait, they are protected by an Outer God ... Nyarlahotep I believe it is.

The Outer Gods was the next step up, usually ascended from bodily beings to elemental/energy beings. Some of them are sort of Great Old Ones, yet different.

The Great Old Ones was the step up from that, almost pure energy and usually the embodiment of a concept .. ie. Azatoth was the harbringer of madness and insanity. They don't necesarily belong to a universe and may live/unlive between universes.

There was no "more powerful" step than a Great Old One, because above that, power itself became sort of meaningless. So instead Endless Ones, Forgotten Ones, Elder Gods and Outer Gods are "subspecies" of Great Old Ones.

HP Lovecrafts argument for not differing in their powerscale was something along the line with "If a diety can blast your planet to pieces, does it matter if it can blast the sun as well ? You'd be no more dead than with the less powerful diety."

Anyways, all of this is to be taken with some big grains of salt, after all, in the same universe they had time/space travel in a grandfather clock ... so it's not like it ever took itself seriously.

Jesus4U 13/06/2012 23:39:35   
johandark 34

Jesus4U ha dicho:HP Lovecraft's scale was pretty simple ... the older you got, the stronger you were - To a point.

The Deep Ones was pretty young in the scheme of it all. all sorts of different races, but mostly still bound to a physical body of some sort.

The Great Ones was local dieties, such as the River God and the Lier-In-Wait, they are protected by an Outer God ... Nyarlahotep I believe it is.

The Outer Gods was the next step up, usually ascended from bodily beings to elemental/energy beings. Some of them are sort of Great Old Ones, yet different.

The Great Old Ones was the step up from that, almost pure energy and usually the embodiment of a concept .. ie. Azatoth was the harbringer of madness and insanity. They don't necesarily belong to a universe and may live/unlive between universes.

There was no "more powerful" step than a Great Old One, because above that, power itself became sort of meaningless. So instead Endless Ones, Forgotten Ones, Elder Gods and Outer Gods are "subspecies" of Great Old Ones.

HP Lovecrafts argument for not differing in their powerscale was something along the line with "If a diety can blast your planet to pieces, does it matter if it can blast the sun as well ? You'd be no more dead than with the less powerful diety."

Anyways, all of this is to be taken with some big grains of salt, after all, in the same universe they had time/space travel in a grandfather clock ... so it's not like it ever took itself seriously.

WOW... that´s an explanation!! xD

In HP Lovecraft terms in fact, he doesn´t want to calsify all these creatures, since he was always a lover of the absolute chaos and unknowledge in all this powerful creatures.

So there is some basic information... but nothing really clear (as how their names are spelled and things like this).

But your information was really completed in fact. Delthe and all Lovecraft´s followers tried to put an orther in his chaothic wolrd putting names and powerfuls, but it´s all in fac an ilussion. Nobody knows really what is the power and the origin of these creatutres, not even necronomicon explain this secret clearly.

Thanks for your comment

johandark 14/06/2012 08:16:24   
Jesus4U 6

True, his creatures was always kinda chaotically-selfish aligned.

It wasn't until other writers got their hands on his mythos that Elder Gods was added, which had the classical good/evil dichotomy in them.

Lovecraft didn't really do Good/Evil .. he just did horror.

As for Cthulhu himself, he's definately at least a Deep One, and since he's also a Water Elemental, he's probably also considered an Outer God.
I don't think he has quite managed to become a Great Old One yet since he's still bound to his old body, but he must be just on the verge of it.

Jesus4U 14/06/2012 17:46:23   
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Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Miercoles, Viernes

Tipo : manga

Género : Fantasía - SF


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