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TroyB 41

Nerdgasm is back

TroyB 28/05/2012 18:48:30   
Elfyq 24

Hi ! I've let a commentary on the french version, but I wanted to let another one here ^w^ (sorry for my strange english XD)
Well.. I'm in love of this comic ! *o* Seriously, all is good: the graphism, the jokes, and the characters ! My favourite is Giselle x) She's very funny
I'll continue to read your comic o/ Good job and good luck :3

Elfyq 30/05/2012 22:54:44   
TheDifferenceBetweenRightandRight 2

when is the spotlight gonna be back on leth? I like Giselle, I admit, but leth is funny as hell!

TheDifferenceBetweenRightandRight 14/04/2013 20:04:18   
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Versión original: English

Tipo : Cómics

Género : Comedia


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