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Dhalmun: Age of Smoke

Dhalmun: Age of Smoke : comic portada

Since the so called "superheroes" appeared, a lot has changed. There are no vigilantes. Just the military. The police. The better world.

If you want to help out: http://www.patreon.com/biram_ba

Dhalmun: Age of Smoke is a webcomic I started in September 2011, but it incorporates ideas I had and developed in various unfinished projects since maybe 2005.
It's originally written in Polish, but since I also have an English version, I uploaded this one, to make things easier.
Thanks for reading.

Dhalmun: Mythology: - http://dhalmunmythology.amilova.com/

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Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Género : Acción

Tipo : Cómics - Saga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

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28 comentarios en otros idiomas.

maso_miner maso_miner 26jul ch5 p14 First
Erazade Erazade 25jun ch4 p6 Il manque les paroles de la 2eme case
Biram Ba Biram Ba 24may ch1 p13 Some day, I need to learn French.
drakoon drakoon 23may ch1 p13 wonder-woman fait de la pub maintenant!;)
drakoon drakoon 13may ch1 p2 c'est juste dommage que la police du texte ne colle pas du tout avec le dessin mais je pense pas qu'on peut la changer
Biram Ba Biram Ba 1may ch1 p9 :)
Eskhar Eskhar 19mar ch1 p9 That's too funny xD !
madedd madedd 24feb ch3 p6 Superbe splash page!
madedd madedd 24feb ch3 p5 Chouette mise en scène très batmanienne^^
madedd madedd 24feb ch2 p16 J'adore le rendu graphique de la téléportation! C'est juste dommage que le texte soit si mal centré dans les bulles.
madedd madedd 24feb ch1 p2 Suspension d'incrédulité lié au genre comme la magie dans la fantasy, le pistolero qui descend 6 types sans prendre une balle, le (...)
Bellatrice Bellatrice 23nov ch1 p2 Le costume empêche le gars d'être pris au sérieux. Comment font les auteurs de comics ?
Busso Busso 29jun ch2 p10 yeah, i do a mistake with the comment. page 11th. Now it is okay thanks :D
Biram Ba Biram Ba 28jun ch2 p10 I need a textbox here, otherwise i can't continue to traduce.. You mean on the 11th page? Should work now.
Busso Busso 27jun ch2 p10 I need a textbox here, otherwise i can't continue to traduce..
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