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McLeod 15

Yeah, totally amazing illustration !!!

McLeod 31/10/2012 09:46:02   
johandark 34

Well now that i´m seeing it in small size (not zooming in) Probably I should take more deatils on those lines... But well... I don´t like to go to the past and get better in the future...

I´m glad you like it

johandark 31/10/2012 14:20:35   
Jesus4U 6

Her mom was a succubus ?

Jesus4U 01/11/2012 19:49:01   
johandark 34

Well her mother in the last picture is dead with a hand in the right down corner.

johandark 02/11/2012 01:24:47   
Jesus4U 6

Oh, i thought the fiery creature was her mom.

Jesus4U 02/11/2012 10:58:41   
johandark 34

In the next page is explained who killed who

johandark 02/11/2012 11:18:37   
Dethbeast666 4

Looks very interesting, can't wait till this flashback is made clear.

Dethbeast666 02/11/2012 00:23:06   
johandark 34

jeje Well... a lot of things have to happen before that xD... but it´s an advance of mind troubles of Akuma.

johandark 02/11/2012 01:25:22   

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Autor :

Equipo : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traducido por : evajung

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Miercoles, Viernes

Tipo : manga

Género : Fantasía - SF


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