Autor : Gogéta Jr, Asura00, Salagir
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Robot Panda, TroyB
Versión original: Français
Tipo : manga
Género : Comedia
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ha ha "Don't eat"
mcgrnwlf 13/09/2011 17:43:51priceless
mcgrnwlf ha dicho:ha ha "Don't eat"
TroyB 13/09/2011 22:11:22priceless
Yes I loved the joke too
The questionnaire is very funny too, like it
well a lot beer and u might confuse a cat with a hotdog
a3thethird 14/09/2011 16:47:43Autor
I'm sure these dwarfs eat hotcats and hotanything with no problem
Salagir 14/09/2011 18:05:57a3thethird ha dicho:well a lot beer and u might confuse a cat with a hotdog
"like" +1
Esteryn 14/09/2011 20:19:48I bet the rats want to wear one to in the city
Ouroboros 14/09/2011 20:26:36Equipo
Ouroboros ha dicho:I bet the rats want to wear one to in the city
TroyB 14/09/2011 22:27:43Definitely :gentleman-pipe: :gentleman-pipe: :gentleman-pipe: :gentleman-pipe:
As usual, love it, puts a little smile on my face each page I read, can't wait for the next one
Esteryn 14/09/2011 20:27:42Equipo
Esteryn ha dicho:As usual, love it, puts a little smile on my face each page I read, can't wait for the next one
TroyB 14/09/2011 22:27:08Thanks for your support Esteryn, I can tell you that Gogeta and Salagir appreciate it
TroyB ha dicho:Thanks for your support Esteryn, I can tell you that Gogeta and Salagir appreciate it
You're all most welcome ^.^
Esteryn 14/09/2011 22:37:48Autor
TroyB ha dicho: I can tell you that Gogeta and Salagir appreciate it
Salagir 15/09/2011 17:25:07Salagir ha dicho:TroyB ha dicho: I can tell you that Gogeta and Salagir appreciate it

Esteryn 16/09/2011 20:59:43