Awesome ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ !
Thank you!
I like your comic, i can't wait for wkat will come next ^^ i love your drawing, and the scenario ^^
your story has been translated to french up to this page, and they can't wait for the rest of your story ^^
the french community loves you too ♥‿♥ !
we love you too ^^
Amazing comic, it's really impressive, I can't wait for the next pages !!!
Autor : YonYonYon
Equipo : alrickdrinkson
Versión original: English
Tipo : Cómics
Género : Fantasía - SF
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Awesome ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ !
TroyB 02/12/2012 09:50:31Autor
Thank you!
YonYonYon 02/12/2012 11:19:59Equipo
I like your comic, i can't wait for wkat will come next ^^
alrickdrinkson 04/12/2012 23:26:58i love your drawing, and the scenario ^^
your story has been translated to french up to this page, and they can't wait for the rest of your story ^^
alrickdrinkson 06/12/2012 18:31:11Autor
YonYonYon 07/12/2012 20:00:57the french community loves you too ♥‿♥ !
TroyB 08/12/2012 13:39:22Equipo
we love you too ^^
alrickdrinkson 08/12/2012 16:19:11Amazing comic, it's really impressive, I can't wait for the next pages !!!
McLeod 23/12/2012 13:09:45