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25 comentarios
Tayuyya 2

oncour ! oncore !that was awsome

Tayuyya 16/02/2013 05:13:32   
nilanandita 3

yay, thank you

nilanandita 19/02/2013 06:56:49   
Tayuyya 2

your welcome i just love this book is this the end of the whole story ?

Tayuyya 19/02/2013 18:20:51   
nilanandita 3

this is just the end of the chapter, not the end of the whole story, hehe chapter 3 is on the process, altough it'll take longer as usual because I'm working on other project at the same time.
I hope you'll keep following this series.

nilanandita 21/02/2013 07:53:29   
Tayuyya 2

oh ok haha i got scared for a second. of course i will follow this series its so awsome i cant resist reading it again. take your time with your project im just having fun reading this manga again ^^

Tayuyya 21/02/2013 14:21:18   
nilanandita 3

haha, don't worry, thank you so much for your support <3

nilanandita 24/02/2013 15:30:17   
Tayuyya 2

your welcom

Tayuyya 25/02/2013 16:57:08   
Rukkeo 2

awesome manga! I can't wait to see what's gonna happen <3 ^^ thx for your work

Rukkeo 30/03/2013 15:49:07   
Tayuyya 2

i love you picture its Aoi right? i love that band so much

Tayuyya 01/04/2013 14:33:39   
Rukkeo 2

yea it's Aoi the gazette is my favourite band ^^ they're just so awesome

Rukkeo 01/04/2013 21:05:21   
Tayuyya 2

i love Aoi hes my favoriite and Uruha is the cutest one i think there all cute &lt;3 whats your favorite song from them?

Tayuyya 02/04/2013 15:51:33   
Rukkeo 2

waa,well this is a really hard question. I know 107 songs from them,lots of lyrics...and the last album [DIVISION] was really surprising. Some of my favourites are: Shichigatsu Youka,Shiroki Yuutsu,Kago no sanagi,13stairs,Ibitsu and mooore xD I still can't chose just ONE SONG XD. What about you? and oh,Aoi is my favourite too

Rukkeo 07/04/2013 16:30:23   
Tayuyya 2

haha you know more than i do XD and im still adding songs to my list from them my main favorite's are the invisable wall and suiside circus and Naraku.the lyrics from 13 stairs is harsh i love the song but the words sound wierd to me

Tayuyya 07/04/2013 23:48:16   
Rukkeo 2

well is true,but is funny to listen to xD

Rukkeo 08/04/2013 08:04:22   
Tayuyya 2


Tayuyya 08/04/2013 16:15:34   
nilanandita 3

Hi Rukkeo, thank you so much

nilanandita 27/04/2013 11:53:36   
Rukkeo 2

you're welcome <3

Rukkeo 30/04/2013 16:46:50   
TroyB 41

INdeed, just read it again, and it's awesome, I wish to read more pages

TroyB 01/04/2013 17:38:34   
Tayuyya 2

me to ^^

Tayuyya 02/04/2013 15:50:36   
viola 1

that's all? oh, man i wan't more!

viola 17/04/2013 09:35:59   
nilanandita 3

Hi viola, it's continued. feel free to check the new pages,

nilanandita 27/04/2013 11:54:26   
Tayuyya 2

i wounder when the other pages are gonna b uploaded im so hyper

Tayuyya 25/04/2013 00:37:53   
nilanandita 3

hi tayuyya, I've uploaded new pages, enjoy,

nilanandita 27/04/2013 12:31:12   
Tayuyya 2

thnx you my favorite author/person evar i feel like i was a bother

Tayuyya 29/05/2013 17:10:43   
nilanandita 3

I'm happy to know that
oh no, you're not a bother at all. I love to read your comments <3

nilanandita 22/06/2013 18:52:28   
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