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Nephlim : manga portada

The world has fallen into a state of chaos and war. A group of Angels fell to earth to become mankind's new Gods and prove to their creator that they are superior to humans in every possible way. Who will stand against them?

My name is Jordan Troche and I am an original comic creator and writer. My dream is to make a living writing and creating comics. Please give my series a read and don't be afraid to leave feedback.

Dibujante :

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Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Tipo : manga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

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Ebooks Nephlim disponibles a partir de 2.99
Nephlim : Volumen 1
Volumen 1

Format : PDF
Páginas : 25
Peso : 8.4MB
Precio : 2.99€

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5 comentarios en otros idiomas.

S.E.Th S.E.Th 22ene ch1 p25 I love this story!



Número de lecturas por hora

Páginas publicadas English: 25

Número de lectores: 58180

Promedio de lectores por día: 22

Número de comentarios: 5

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