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johandark 34

What are NEPHELIM? here are more PHOTOS and information (but it´s in spanish... so just see the photos there).


johandark 06/10/2011 18:59:01   
Esteryn 33

no worry ^.^ i can't edit my previous message, it just won't let me (technology and me ) but i meant "even though" and not "thoudh" ! Girl, I thought she meant the bodyguard but maybe not. If it's her, she'll be happy to have forgotten all about the monsters and the ass grabing pervert ;-)

Esteryn 09/10/2011 14:37:25   
johandark 34

Esteryn ha dicho:Much easier to read in English, indeed ! The survivor is male in english "he" and female in french "she". Is this normal ?

Nice idea, to use a report like that, make it seems more real

jajaja Yep... it´s hard to read because letter here is really small... and in this format you can make a zoom with your browser... Or if you are premium push "HD" button... (but few people are Premium) xD

and... is a girl... you are right!! xDD i change it now


johandark 09/10/2011 14:32:03   
Esteryn 33

One French person thinks the survivor is "the scientist that Jameson told to go away because they then take a lift so that person must have been down in the building". I said he was killed by the zombies, so i think it may be the girl, jameson's bodyguard, but i may be wrong and him right

Esteryn 09/10/2011 14:45:55   
johandark 34

Esteryn ha dicho:One French person thinks the survivor is "the scientist that Jameson told to go away because they then take a lift so that person must have been down in the building". I said he was killed by the zombies, so i think it may be the girl, jameson's bodyguard, but i may be wrong and him right

There had been 4 persons in Australia

1/ Jaume/Jameson

2/ Akuma

3/ The pilot (who come with us until the elevator, and then get back to the airport (or somewhere else).


4/ The Coroner. Who was with Jameson when Akuma get to the bathroom to puke in the autopsy room.

Nobody Died.

johandark 09/10/2011 16:07:38   
Esteryn 33

johandark ha dicho:There had been 4 persons in Australia
4/ The Coroner. Who was with Jameson when Akuma get to the bathroom to puke in the autopsy room.

The coroner did not die ? We all thought he did when commenting, assuming with all the blood everywhere next image and we don't see him leaving the room, so we thought he was not fast enough.

Well, then the only woman is Akuma, so it must be her ? but you say she remembers everything @@ i'm a bit lost ^^' it's not you, it's me, I must have understood sth badly somewhere

Esteryn 09/10/2011 16:15:06   
johandark 34

Esteryn ha dicho:johandark ha dicho:There had been 4 persons in Australia
4/ The Coroner. Who was with Jameson when Akuma get to the bathroom to puke in the autopsy room.

The coroner did not die ? We all thought he did when commenting, assuming with all the blood everywhere next image and we don't see him leaving the room, so we thought he was not fast enough.

Well, then the only woman is Akuma, so it must be her ? but you say she remembers everything @@ i'm a bit lost ^^' it's not you, it's me, I must have understood sth badly somewhere

Akuma remembers everything.

Is the Coroner who everybody thought was dead for all the blood over the autopsy room... But there was only blood, no fingers, or brain or things like that...

In this report is told that the Coroner survived but she does not remember anything...

Humm... if there´s somebody who did not understand the report please tell and i will try to fix it! xD (somehow...)

johandark 09/10/2011 16:19:46   
Esteryn 33

johandark ha dicho:Is the Coroner who everybody thought was dead for all the blood over the autopsy room... But there was only blood, no fingers, or brain or things like that... But what was the blood then ? He was injured but could run away anyway ? I thought the coroner was a man @.@ it was a woman?

Esteryn 09/10/2011 16:21:24   
johandark 34

Esteryn ha dicho:johandark ha dicho:Is the Coroner who everybody thought was dead for all the blood over the autopsy room... But there was only blood, no fingers, or brain or things like that... But what was the blood then ? He was injured but could run away anyway ? I thought the coroner was a man @.@ it was a woman?

There was blod yes. where everybody thought it was from the dead Coroner. But it wasn´t... So what was that blood? Jameson did something... That´s obvious.. but what? A mistery.

The coroner was a woman! she has breast! -.-

Well in anyway... she was not injured... Just "amnesia" and survived.

What was that blood over walls of autopsy room? A mistery.

johandark 09/10/2011 16:25:47   
johandark 34

Esteryn ha dicho:no worry ^.^ i can't edit my previous message, it just won't let me (technology and me ) but i meant "even though" and not "thoudh" ! Girl, I thought she meant the bodyguard but maybe not. If it's her, she'll be happy to have forgotten all about the monsters and the ass grabing pervert ;-)

Yeah it was a woman! jaja but The coroner had not seen anybody touching ass of anybody! xD

Akuma who was the victim of the pervert remember everything!...

This mean that i explain the story really bad? xD

johandark 09/10/2011 16:10:11   
Esteryn 33

johandark ha dicho:Akuma who was the victim of the pervert remember everything!... I thought the person mentioned in the report was Akuma actually

Esteryn 09/10/2011 16:15:45   
johandark 34

Esteryn ha dicho:johandark ha dicho:Akuma who was the victim of the pervert remember everything!... I thought the person mentioned in the report was Akuma actually

Hummm.... No... I wanted mean the Coroner... but now that I read it can take confusion... Probably... :S

johandark 09/10/2011 16:17:39   
Esteryn 33

The coroner did manage to leave the room alive then when Jameson warned him ?

Esteryn 09/10/2011 16:19:02   
johandark 34

Esteryn ha dicho:The coroner did manage to leave the room alive then when Jameson warned him ?

This part is a mistery... how did she survived? even if she runned.. the explosion would killed her. How did she survived?

Akuma survived, but her clothes were destroyed... so it´s obvius that she has somehow of strange power of regeneration.

Jameson has no scracth at any part, except your face where he recieved a punch from akuma when he was touching his ass.

The two monster recieve a great explosion and the sunshine and died.

The coroner disapeared... But she survived somehow. but she does not remember anything.

johandark 09/10/2011 16:22:22   
johandark 34

I really though that with this report would be everything clear... T.T ... Probably i was wrong... xD

johandark 09/10/2011 16:28:14   
Esteryn 33

johandark ha dicho:I really though that with this report would be everything clear... T.T ... Probably i was wrong... xD Don't worry, i think it does, the other French person did understand that the report was talking about the coroner. I got lost because I thought the coroner was male and dead ^.^'

Esteryn 09/10/2011 16:32:01   
johandark 34

Esteryn ha dicho:johandark ha dicho:I really though that with this report would be everything clear... T.T ... Probably i was wrong... xD Don't worry, i think it does, the other French person did understand that the report was talking about the coroner. I got lost because I thought the coroner was male and dead ^.^'

Ok... next time i will try to do girls more femenine! xD

johandark 09/10/2011 16:33:10   
Esteryn 33

well i did look again, and you did give her breasts ^^' it's just maybe because i'm a girl, i don't look there, i didn't see them, i just saw the face and i don't know why, it struck me as male, it's probably just me, don't worry ! All your other female characters i got them right.

Esteryn 09/10/2011 16:35:23   
johandark 34

THE NEW PAGE OF TODAY IS here. The end of the 1st CHAPTER. JAUME/JAMESON http://www.amilova.com/en/comi.../arkham/chapter-1/page-20.html

johandark 10/10/2011 17:28:53   
Gothic Angel 3

I don't Like your concept of the Nephelim.. To my knowing the are half angels.. humans mixed with the blood of an angel but you made them Vampires in this comic or Manga and now you are calling them NEPHELIM??? You are confusing people reading this manga.

Gothic Angel 24/07/2014 19:10:59   
johandark 34

They are not really angels nor vampires, they are just tall people sons from god and human women, unknown kind of living being...

johandark 25/07/2014 20:30:38   
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Traducido por : evajung

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Miercoles, Viernes

Tipo : manga

Género : Fantasía - SF


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