that's nice but... where is the action ?
Yeaah, where are the boobs ?
good idea, we want boobies lol !
the Boobs will come in chapter 5 xDD
lol just as there must be boobies in every part of life so must be the word of god.
Autor : johandark
Equipo : MROscar, Cap. AR!, oogamishiguma, Byabya~~♥, Smiley, evajung, sunpath, abby19, Bardock, Nico 13, lysgris, SAM_KYXA
Traducido por : evajung
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Miercoles, Viernes
Tipo : manga
Género : Fantasía - SF
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that's nice but... where is the action ?
heheh 25/08/2011 13:30:54Yeaah, where are the boobs
DRAGONBALLZ 25/08/2011 14:05:11good idea, we want boobies lol !
Hitsugaya 25/08/2011 17:26:02Autor
the Boobs will come in chapter 5 xDD
johandark 25/08/2011 17:51:51lol just as there must be boobies in every part of life so must be the word of god.
Gothic Angel 22/07/2014 17:46:51