They will be safe, they said, no other creatures lurk arround here, they said XD This monster is to Ga what Rathalos or Narugas are to Monster Hunter
Soon i will make again the monster desing contest i made the last year. I will post the rules in the next update, but you will start thinking
Autor : Guildadventure
Equipo : Tony Dias Goncalves, Rambam, Bellatrice
Versión original: Español
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
¡A partir de 0.59 € !En HD y sin DRM
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They will be safe, they said, no other creatures lurk arround here, they said XD
Guildadventure 21/12/2012 00:19:16This monster is to Ga what Rathalos or Narugas are to Monster Hunter
Soon i will make again the monster desing contest i made the last year. I will post the rules in the next update, but you will start thinking
Guildadventure 27/02/2013 21:52:00