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Mariko 35

I don't know if the line: 40€ + 1 sms + most likely excessive charges depending on the network operators" sounds really good. I can't remember the standard phrase they say in this kind of tv games....... help anyone?

Mariko 18/08/2011 17:40:50   
Rebecah Ozuna 1

Mariko ha dicho:I don't know if the line: 40€ + 1 sms + most likely excessive charges depending on the network operators" sounds really good. I can't remember the standard phrase they say in this kind of tv games....... help anyone? Relax...still funneh!

Rebecah Ozuna 24/08/2012 05:30:07   
lig47 8

Clark Kent? lol xD

lig47 07/12/2012 14:57:32   
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Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Jueves

Tipo : manga

Género : Comedia


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