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Dragon Scream

Dragon Scream : manga portada


Dibujante :

Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Género : Fantasía - SF

Tipo : manga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

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275 Comentarios en las páginas de Dragon Scream

L Gar Jackson L Gar Jackson 5sep ch1 p3 Voy a retocar un poco la traducción...
Kikatere Kikatere 31may ch2 p1 ¿Por que solo hay 2 cap?

275 comentarios en otros idiomas.

PowerPrintProxy PowerPrintProxy 24jul ch1 p1 solid
christian thailande christian thailande 28ago ch2 p17 Thank you!
christian thailande christian thailande 28ago ch2 p17 Super beginning! I enjoyed reading your comic and I'm looking forward to reading what is coming next ! :)
christian thailande christian thailande 28ago ch2 p2 well, the magnificent bird of prey there!:D
christian thailande christian thailande 28ago ch1 p8 uh! you mean ' the three empires ' I suppose!
LadyAthena LadyAthena 10may ch1 p17 Cool!;) :) :!:
LadyAthena LadyAthena 10may ch1 p3 WOW!
kuybi kuybi 18mar ch1 p3 les dessins sont justes au top ;) GJ
Dyshcici Dyshcici 5nov ch2 p17 prometteuse ? ^^ j'aime beaucoup aussi :D
Dyshcici Dyshcici 5nov ch2 p14 ahahaha nice idea to be punished
Dyshcici Dyshcici 5nov ch2 p13 second bulle : " mais d'abords je vais faire cette dernière farce " third box : " arrete de pleurnicher comme une fille " and la (...)
Dyshcici Dyshcici 5nov ch2 p12 "oh eh bien ouvrez la porte pour moi" for the second case. " eeet nous allons encore ici " (d'aprés le français que je lis la) a (...)
lilitara12 lilitara12 1sep ch2 p11 I realy love this strory *-* and thank you for the translation but I don't undertand the 2 lasts bubbles (is it correct?) can you (...)
ADT ADT 13jun ch1 p17 Form sounds better and gives definite thought of a technique
ADT ADT 13jun ch1 p10 Same as DrugOn said the first frame is fantastic
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