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And there you go guys ! I finished translating chapter 3 with my best abilities and I send my best regards to the readers.

MALEM 25/08/2011 11:20:22   
McLeod 15

MALEM ha dicho:And there you go guys ! I finished translating chapter 3 with my best abilities and I send my best regards to the readers.

You rock Malem !!!! Thanks !!!

McLeod 25/08/2011 11:39:48   
Gogeta 1

great Malem, thank you very much I was expecting these translations !!!

Gogeta 25/08/2011 13:03:54   
Sasukedu93 1

kick ass cover, amilova looks amazing !!!

Sasukedu93 25/08/2011 15:30:59   
maxisofi 1

excellent !

maxisofi 25/08/2011 18:00:46   
Sitizen 1

awesome !

Sitizen 25/08/2011 19:11:33   
ceco1 6

epic color cover

ceco1 26/08/2011 09:20:33   
Thegreatsaiyaman 3

Malem you sir are a Hero of great JUSTICE!!!

Thegreatsaiyaman 26/08/2011 22:38:23   

Thanks for all your comments ! I really can't find what to say ! REALLY ! As for the 2nd page of this chapter, I'll spoil it : It's the same last page of chapter 3 so please Troy : Take the last page of chapter 3 and update it ! That's all.

MALEM 27/08/2011 12:10:16   
TroyB 41

MALEM ha dicho:Thanks for all your comments ! I really can't find what to say ! REALLY ! As for the 2nd page of this chapter, I'll spoil it : It's the same last page of chapter 3 so please Troy : Take the last page of chapter 3 and update it ! That's all.

Tomorrow we take care of that, my word !

TroyB 29/08/2011 20:16:13   
TroyB 41

MALEM ha dicho:Thanks for all your comments ! I really can't find what to say ! REALLY ! As for the 2nd page of this chapter, I'll spoil it : It's the same last page of chapter 3 so please Troy : Take the last page of chapter 3 and update it ! That's all.

Hop now is online dude !
Next update monday morning with brand new pages and colors yay !

TroyB 01/09/2011 16:20:12   
Caine 2

With this sudden burst of translated pages for the english version, my faith and interest in Amilova is restored.

Very impressive cover btw.

Caine 31/08/2011 09:37:58   
TroyB 41

Caine ha dicho:With this sudden burst of translated pages for the english version, my faith and interest in Amilova is restored.

I'm glad to read your reaction .
If I know that there are people reading Amilova in english and that they're expecting to read what's next... it's 1000% more motivating .

What's next is totally awesomely kickass... I hope you'll like it .

TroyB 01/09/2011 13:04:59   
gui19900221 3

Whoa! Amilova sure looks fiery here. I wouldn't like to be the one on the receiving end of her wrath. I wonder how much will be left of this Raul guy now.

gui19900221 01/09/2011 11:53:52   
TroyB 41

gui19900221 ha dicho:I wonder how much will be left of this Raul guy now.

Héhé in few pages you'll know !!! It's coming !

TroyB 01/09/2011 13:05:36   
Shada 1

Looking forward to the next chapter! Keep up the good work

Shada 01/09/2011 14:44:33   
TroyB 41

Shada ha dicho:Looking forward to the next chapter! Keep up the good work

Thanks Shada, next chapter is out... give us some feedback, hope you'll like it

TroyB 08/09/2011 11:47:39   
derp 2

YEA BUDDY!!! looks great TroyB.

derp 22/09/2011 02:45:46   
TroyB 41

derp ha dicho:YEA BUDDY!!! looks great TroyB.

Thanks Derp, we're working hard for your pleasure .

TroyB 22/09/2011 08:07:03   
forbes 10

This needs to get a copyright.

forbes 15/10/2012 17:59:21   
Arminas X Steponkus 1

nice cover

Arminas X Steponkus 30/06/2013 11:46:21   
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