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17 comentarios
TroyB 41

Raul is
"just another victim" .

Hope you enjoy the evolution of the situation .
Please comment, react, express your feeelings . I know we have many readers on the english version of Amilova... don't be shy .

TroyB 21/10/2011 09:34:24   
Yamcha 17 36

TroyB ha dicho:Hope you enjoy the evolution of the situation .

I'm very very very sad ='(. Raul is hurt !

Yamcha 17 21/10/2011 14:44:21   
TroyB 41

Yamcha 17 ha dicho:TroyB ha dicho:Hope you enjoy the evolution of the situation .

I'm very very very sad ='(. Raul is hurt !

I know the Raul fan club is feeling very sad now . Sorry about that .

TroyB 22/10/2011 10:21:21   
Yamcha 17 36

TroyB ha dicho:Yamcha 17 ha dicho:TroyB ha dicho:Hope you enjoy the evolution of the situation .

I'm very very very sad ='(. Raul is hurt !

I know the Raul fan club is feeling very sad now . Sorry about that .

Troy ! You will die if Raul dies !!:bummed: :bummed:

Yamcha 17 22/10/2011 14:47:38   
Eddie Nash 6

I'm very very happy Raul is hurt!

Eddie Nash 09/07/2014 03:03:17   
johandark 34

That song with this page, fits really well... it just burn blood from our veins xD... great page

johandark 21/10/2011 10:49:20   
TroyB 41

johandark ha dicho:That song with this page, fits really well... it just burn blood from our veins xD... great page

Thanks JohanDark . I'll try to put music more often héhé .

TroyB 22/10/2011 10:20:44   
Eddie Nash 6

What song? I don't hear anything.

Eddie Nash 09/07/2014 03:04:28   
McLeod 15

mwhahaahaha awesome page ! I hate Raul, I'm happy he gest this in his face !

McLeod 21/10/2011 15:32:59   
gui19900221 3

Well, it looks like even Raul's suit wasn't enough against that attack. Or at least, that it didn't get away unscathed.
Still, it looks like anything can happen by now.

gui19900221 22/10/2011 16:16:03   
Lgrxxl 3

Was I the only one who thinked Kamehameha when the fireball apeared?

Lgrxxl 22/10/2011 21:00:40   
mcgrnwlf 8

Lgrxxl ha dicho:Was I the only one who thinked Kamehameha when the fireball apeared?
Actually I was thinking pyscho crusher at first, then spirit bomb

mcgrnwlf 26/10/2011 01:59:58   
TroyB 41

mcgrnwlf ha dicho:Lgrxxl ha dicho:Was I the only one who thinked Kamehameha when the fireball apeared?
Actually I was thinking pyscho crusher at first, then spirit bomb

Oh you have the whole combo :-D

TroyB 04/11/2011 11:57:47   
swagga2003 1

TroyB ha dicho:mcgrnwlf ha dicho:Lgrxxl ha dicho:Was I the only one who thinked Kamehameha when the fireball apeared?
Actually I was thinking pyscho crusher at first, then spirit bomb

Oh you have the whole combo :-D

That was super clean

swagga2003 14/10/2012 23:35:28   
forbes 10

more bad translation

forbes 16/10/2012 00:33:35   
Josh Dufresne 3

even though it was expected from her smile on previous page, it still makes me smile seeing his ass get burnt lol

Josh Dufresne 20/11/2012 13:37:46   
TroyB 41

That's the least he deserves .

TroyB 29/12/2012 16:36:55   
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Autor : , ,

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : TroyB

Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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