Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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This page is better read with as background music "Cj Bolland - Sugard Daddy". 1996, on top of that an excellent music video
TroyB 28/10/2011 10:58:29
Amilova getting Crazy ? Or Amilova getting right ?
Is it just me, or does that black-haired girl look like a female, human (?), slightly toned down version of Vegeta?
gui19900221 29/10/2011 13:08:51gui19900221 ha dicho:Is it just me, or does that black-haired girl look like a female, human (?), slightly toned down version of Vegeta?
Lgrxxl 29/10/2011 13:24:47yeah, its just you
Lgrxxl ha dicho:yeah, its just you
gui19900221 29/10/2011 13:50:54In case that was sarcasm, let me say you could have made it more obvious. In case it isn't, we are all wrong sometimes.
gui19900221 ha dicho:Lgrxxl ha dicho:yeah, its just you
. No need to fight in the comments
TroyB 29/10/2011 13:52:15In case that was sarcasm, let me say you could have made it more obvious. In case it isn't, we are all wrong sometimes.
Peace & Lova guys
TroyB ha dicho:Peace & Lova guys
. No need to fight in the comments
gui19900221 29/10/2011 13:54:08Right. Sorry.
gui19900221 ha dicho:TroyB ha dicho:Peace & Lova guys
. No need to fight in the comments
TroyB 29/10/2011 13:56:06Right. Sorry.
No problemo :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :religion: :religion: :religion: :religion: :chinese:
Ahahaha~ I really like how she kicks ass and just standing and calmly talking at the same time
You're really good at making these scenes! I really enjoy the contrast between the two of them here 
Toh 30/10/2011 01:07:32Autor
Toh ha dicho:Ahahaha~ I really like how she kicks ass and just standing and calmly talking at the same time
You're really good at making these scenes! I really enjoy the contrast between the two of them here
. I'm doing my best to insert some humor between actions scenes... don't want to stay too serious
TroyB 31/10/2011 19:11:16Thanks Toh
Thanks for all your comments and support !!!!
TroyB 31/10/2011 19:12:10Sorry today I've been a bad boy and I'm super late with translation... sorry sorry sorry... tomorrow morning the english will be online, and the version with no text will be too !!!
mcgrnwlf 03/11/2011 19:48:09good one
she might as well be a saiyaman though
mcgrnwlf ha dicho:
TroyB 11/11/2011 09:48:27she might as well be a saiyaman though
Ahahaha good one too
wow power's getting to her badly
funny page, like it ^^ and the other girl not paying one bit of attention to the guy she's beating senseless ^^'
Esteryn 07/11/2011 13:12:34PS. tiny typing mistake in the second phrase ? "sill I succeeded" maybe you meant: "still" ? You could also use "yet" i think, to avoid repetition of still
Wow lol that was a strange video thanks for that
Minar 15/03/2013 01:22:17