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EmeraldWarrior 2

Now, just to wait for the rest of the chapter and the first page of the next to become available......

EmeraldWarrior 09/04/2012 15:21:14   
TroyB 41

EmeraldWarrior ha dicho:Now, just to wait for the rest of the chapter and the first page of the next to become available......
Yep well you can click on "follow by email" to receive a notification everyday .

TroyB 10/04/2012 09:24:22   
fusion13 2

It's a trap!

fusion13 11/04/2012 21:17:49   
Josh Dufresne 3

now its thet heart button

Josh Dufresne 20/11/2012 14:59:47   
fusion13 2

Don't know if you get the reference.

fusion13 20/11/2012 18:10:12   
TroyB 41

Read some pages before when you first see the buttons on the stick .

TroyB 29/12/2012 16:36:22   
fusion13 2

I was originally referring to this meme Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! if you could trace the comments thread.

fusion13 29/12/2012 22:05:48   

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Autor : , ,

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Traducido por : tze

Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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