Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Great page, as usual. But shouldn't Raul have said something like "Hasta la vista, baby"?
gui19900221 18/12/2011 19:03:49gui19900221 ha dicho:Great page, as usual. But shouldn't Raul have said something like "Hasta la vista, baby"?
MALEM 19/12/2011 11:37:09He already said it ! My firend !
MALEM ha dicho:gui19900221 ha dicho:Great page, as usual. But shouldn't Raul have said something like "Hasta la vista, baby"?
TroyB 19/12/2011 14:17:52He already said it ! My firend !
Exactly I think end of chapter 2 he already says that.
Raul doesn't like to repeat himself so he's putting some variety in his punchlines :-D.
TroyB ha dicho:MALEM ha dicho:gui19900221 ha dicho:Great page, as usual. But shouldn't Raul have said something like "Hasta la vista, baby"?
gui19900221 20/12/2011 12:14:55He already said it ! My firend !
Exactly I think end of chapter 2 he already says that.
Raul doesn't like to repeat himself so he's putting some variety in his punchlines :-D.
Then he doesn't choose his punchlines very well. Because that one would certainly have been better for this moment.
Raul es español D: !
Lgrxxl 18/12/2011 19:35:36Autor
Lgrxxl ha dicho:Raul es español D: !
TroyB 19/12/2011 14:18:08Maybe maybe... :-D !
Amilova seriously needs to learn some control. lol
BlazingBarrager 19/12/2011 03:40:41Autor
BlazingBarrager ha dicho:Amilova seriously needs to learn some control. lol
. Maybe...
TroyB 21/12/2011 08:24:10Maybe she'll have time to train if she survives this confrontation with Raul
TroyB ha dicho:BlazingBarrager ha dicho:Amilova seriously needs to learn some control. lol
. Maybe...
BlazingBarrager 21/12/2011 11:00:51Maybe she'll have time to train if she survives this confrontation with Raul
lol Maybe isn't going to cut it in a life or death situation. It's either "do" or "don't."