Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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TroyB 25/01/2012 10:14:56If you can guess what happens in the next page, I'll offer you a special present > you will be mentionned in the "Special Thanks" at the end of the new printed book "Amilova Book 2" manga format
... be creative dear readers
I'm not premium and I don't see the page but I think Amilova's Mother will appear to stop her !
MALEM 25/01/2012 19:50:50Autor
MALEM ha dicho:I'm not premium and I don't see the page but I think Amilova's Mother will appear to stop her !
TroyB 26/01/2012 08:12:51You're reading too much FMA
TroyB ha dicho:MALEM ha dicho:I'm not premium and I don't see the page but I think Amilova's Mother will appear to stop her !
MALEM 26/01/2012 18:46:42You're reading too much FMA
HAHAHAHAHA ! I NEVER read nor watched FMA in my life !
Than go do it RIGHT NOW! You're missing out!
Eddie Nash 09/07/2014 03:26:32So...Her power's can't vanish...because she would be naked and you can't draw something like that....(of course you can but you must respect some rules).
(though i doubt that).
Smiley 26/01/2012 14:29:13That means that the hidden-dude that was on last page comes and save him OR enforcements come.
Or he dies lol
Smiley ha dicho:So...Her power's can't vanish...because she would be naked and you can't draw something like that....(of course you can but you must respect some rules).
(though i doubt that).

Mart 26/01/2012 18:21:58That means that the hidden-dude that was on last page comes and save him OR enforcements come.
Or he dies lol
Yup, I think somebody will pull him out of the fight just before she rips his...head of!
The psico girl stops her... because this "attack" was just a trick to reveal all the Amilova's powers faster.
Maleck 26/01/2012 20:25:41Not so tough now without your gadgets and minions huh?:P
felixng2011 27/01/2012 03:09:09Autor
Answers are coming soon
TroyB 27/01/2012 08:23:54She kills Raul, and it turns out he was just being used by some secret organisation
Dethbeast666 27/01/2012 13:32:01