Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Oh my god poor Amilova, will she survive to this blow
TroyB 30/01/2012 13:40:24In the coming pages there will be more texts and dialogs... your help will again be really needed
TroyB ha dicho:Oh my god poor Amilova, will she survive to this blow
Kostas Ioannidis 30/01/2012 19:52:23In the coming pages there will be more texts and dialogs... your help will again be really needed
I can t see the page just yet (i m not premium) but I think she looks like she suffers from dehydration (previous page). Maybe a side effect of her power is either 1. draining of her life force or 2. the water in her body... i don t see you making her a 60 years old granny, it would just suck. so i would go with dehydration. There is another possibility though, maybe the author of Amilova is bored and he wants to finish the series in a few pages. If thats the case then I ll just say: HANG IN THERE DUDE, YOU ARE ALREADY DOING GREAT, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
Kostas Ioannidis ha dicho:TroyB ha dicho:Oh my god poor Amilova, will she survive to this blow

TroyB 31/01/2012 14:11:38In the coming pages there will be more texts and dialogs... your help will again be really needed
I can t see the page just yet (i m not premium) but I think she looks like she suffers from dehydration (previous page). Maybe a side effect of her power is either 1. draining of her life force or 2. the water in her body... i don t see you making her a 60 years old granny, it would just suck. so i would go with dehydration. There is another possibility though, maybe the author of Amilova is bored and he wants to finish the series in a few pages. If thats the case then I ll just say: HANG IN THERE DUDE, YOU ARE ALREADY DOING GREAT, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
Mwahaha now you can
TroyB ha dicho:Kostas Ioannidis ha dicho:TroyB ha dicho:Oh my god poor Amilova, will she survive to this blow
Kostas Ioannidis 31/01/2012 19:26:52In the coming pages there will be more texts and dialogs... your help will again be really needed
I can t see the page just yet (i m not premium) but I think she looks like she suffers from dehydration (previous page). Maybe a side effect of her power is either 1. draining of her life force or 2. the water in her body... i don t see you making her a 60 years old granny, it would just suck. so i would go with dehydration. There is another possibility though, maybe the author of Amilova is bored and he wants to finish the series in a few pages. If thats the case then I ll just say: HANG IN THERE DUDE, YOU ARE ALREADY DOING GREAT, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
Mwahaha now you can
I certainly can! Nice page. Something tells me he absorbed her powers or something.... Hmmmmm truly a puzzle waiting to be solved, Interesting.
what the? she got older
gila551 30/01/2012 14:00:35She was we see him unharmed ...not even 1 face skratch...maybe it was an illusion all along?
Smiley 31/01/2012 15:10:24Equipo
Smiley ha dicho:She was we see him unharmed ...not even 1 face skratch...maybe it was an illusion all along?
Robot Panda 31/01/2012 15:44:32He's holding his stick and has the scratches O_o
Robot Panda ha dicho:
Smiley 01/02/2012 16:07:24He's holding his stick and has the scratches O_o
This is weird man...
I mean,he is harmed,but he just decides to smoke?
And i didn't realize that those things on his face are skratches,i thought they were the lines that make the face look like he is inhaling, inhaling smoke from the cigar...
Well,i just gotta wait for the next page to show up so i can get it...
Smiley ha dicho:Robot Panda ha dicho:

Robot Panda 02/02/2012 14:45:26He's holding his stick and has the scratches O_o
This is weird man...
I mean,he is harmed,but he just decides to smoke?
And i didn't realize that those things on his face are skratches,i thought they were the lines that make the face look like he is inhaling, inhaling smoke from the cigar...
Well,i just gotta wait for the next page to show up so i can get it...
Yeah, the end of this page makes much more sense when it goes along with the next one
sumo head but!?
mcgrnwlf 21/02/2012 04:37:56this just keeps getting more and more awesome
What the hell?! why is she old?
SlicerInferno 19/03/2012 13:34:47Autor
SlicerInferno ha dicho:What the hell?! why is she old?
? That's the question that's waiting for answers... any suppositions ?
TroyB 20/03/2012 15:25:07Yes "why"
TroyB ha dicho:SlicerInferno ha dicho:What the hell?! why is she old?
? That's the question that's waiting for answers... any suppositions ?
mcgrnwlf 08/04/2012 04:22:27Yes "why"
I'll take a crack at it.
it may not be that she's old but rather that all the heat she's using is drying out her own body and burning some of the chemicals in her system. just a guess