Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Hop 2 pages translated and available in a row, sorry again for being slow in these translations...
TroyB 07/02/2012 16:27:30Next time I'm late, don't hesitate to complain in the comments, I'll move my butt faster if I see that you care
And mama is back!
Magnic 09/02/2012 00:13:13Autor
Magnic ha dicho:And mama is back!

TroyB 09/02/2012 09:11:20Héhé there she is
Didn't I tell you that her Mother will strike back a few pages ago ? I was right wasn't I ?
MALEM 09/02/2012 23:28:47Well either that or the Jew girl will be back (Hamsa can be worn by Jews)
wait wait wait I got one
mcgrnwlf 21/02/2012 04:40:42looks like he hit (puts on glasses*)...a fork in the road
go fork yourself buddy!
Josh Dufresne 20/11/2012 14:30:03a little harsh don't ya think?
mcgrnwlf 01/12/2012 00:56:31Fork no Jutsu!
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 25/02/2015 11:09:23