Amilova: capítulo 4, página 31 Feed de comentarios Lee el más reciente cómic en Fri, 20 Sep 2024 06:26:28 +0000 Gamez Dgamer ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=764709#RClast Gamez Dgamer super super awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wed, 27 Aug 2014 03:59:50 +0000 ZXkai ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=368194#RClast ZXkai TroyB ha dicho:ZXkai ha dicho:why the pages are not colored? Color is a privilege for Premium members, check it out Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! We are trying to finance the Amilova projet with premium membership... for now there's not enough members but hopefully one day there will be . i have a free week membership :| Tue, 15 Nov 2011 09:48:17 +0000 TroyB ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=367104#RClast TroyB Lgrxxl ha dicho:Caine ha dicho:That is why you never just... spam hadoukens. -shakes head in disapproval- She just wasted her EX metter in fire hadoukens Facepalm Yes you got it . Still as far as we know Amilova is supposed to be the "Geek-gamer-girl" so she should know that she should not waste her powers on useless moves . N00b ! Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:23:30 +0000 TroyB ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=367102#RClast TroyB gui19900221 ha dicho: But it seems she didn't take the chance to scorch Raul's stuff with a well-placed kick. Then again, such a thing would be too cruel. Nice one ! As far as we know, Amilova is good for doing acrobatic things, dodging... but fighting, is she good at that ? Did her dad had time to teach her some good'ol Karate moves ? Maybe you'll know next page . Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:21:53 +0000 TroyB ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=367101#RClast TroyB ZXkai ha dicho:why the pages are not colored? Color is a privilege for Premium members, check it out We are trying to finance the Amilova projet with premium membership... for now there's not enough members but hopefully one day there will be . Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:20:17 +0000 TroyB ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=367099#RClast TroyB Mesfyel ha dicho:The foe's RAUL used CLOSE COMBAT! It's super effective! Mesfyel ha dicho:The foe's RAUL used CLOSE COMBAT! It's super effective! Yeah and He's good at it . Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:18:55 +0000 Mesfyel ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=367096#RClast Mesfyel The foe's RAUL used CLOSE COMBAT! It's super effective! Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:06:42 +0000 ZXkai ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=367081#RClast ZXkai why the pages are not colored? Sun, 13 Nov 2011 15:22:09 +0000 Esteryn ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=367053#RClast Esteryn TroyB ha dicho:Bubble Bobble no ? The amstrad game that was before "Puzzle Bobble" ? I can't believe you know that game ^.^ We had it on Atari when I was little ! Hours of my childhood were wasted away on that game ;-) Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:13:18 +0000 gui19900221 ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=367008#RClast gui19900221 Well, I'd say Amilova doesn't know very well how to aim at mobile targets, but such a thing may not be easy at close range. I don't know how to shoot flames from my hands, so I can't check that out for myself. But it seems she didn't take the chance to scorch Raul's stuff with a well-placed kick. Then again, such a thing would be too cruel. Sun, 13 Nov 2011 12:40:33 +0000 Lgrxxl ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=366991#RClast Lgrxxl Caine ha dicho:That is why you never just... spam hadoukens. -shakes head in disapproval- She just wasted her EX metter in fire hadoukens Facepalm Sun, 13 Nov 2011 11:28:37 +0000 TroyB ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=366576#RClast TroyB Caine ha dicho:That is why you never just... spam hadoukens. -shakes head in disapproval- That"s true... she's such a noob . Sat, 12 Nov 2011 15:51:22 +0000 TroyB ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=366575#RClast TroyB Esteryn ha dicho:I really do love those fire effects. She reminds me of a very old game with a little dragon who spat bubbles and sometimes fireballs ^.^ Bubble Bobble no ? The amstrad game that was before "Puzzle Bobble" ? Esteryn ha dicho: PS. a R has ran away from "stronger", probably got melted by all this fire Thanks, it's fixed . Sat, 12 Nov 2011 15:51:08 +0000 Caine ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=366299#RClast Caine That is why you never just... spam hadoukens. -shakes head in disapproval- Sat, 12 Nov 2011 02:02:57 +0000 Esteryn ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-31.html?c=366123#RClast Esteryn I really do love those fire effects. She reminds me of a very old game with a little dragon who spat bubbles and sometimes fireballs ^.^ Very nice page ! I wonder if Amilova will be able to stand on her own two feet or if the other girl will have to save her again ! PS. a R has ran away from "stronger", probably got melted by all this fire Fri, 11 Nov 2011 19:49:36 +0000