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We do not Lie - EV Winter Song

Done for Enchanted Visions Project: Winter Song. 
Speedpainting in SAI + PSCS6 of Xirtallë, a white dragon priestess of the Sun God, Mold. She appears in Alexandra Pyxis' story. 
Do you remember Ishrin? Yep, but no. She comes from another family of white dragons, and is very naïve. 
And, as the rest of white dragons, she cannot lie. She is also one of the love interests of Keiden, the liosalfar mage.

Full character sheet with Xirtallë 

Lex - Chara Sheet 2 by Monica-NG Lex - Chara Sheet 1 by Monica-NG The Depths of my Heart by Monica-NG


De http://monica-ng.deviantart.com - Post original


Otras publicaciones

Trickster - MoonSlayer Comic

Hi! I'm back to deviantart (I think)
With the cover of the current chapter of my webcomic! wooho!

As all my MS work: Ink lineart + PS color.

 I'll be upload some of my latest work when I have time. =)


De http://monica-ng.deviantart.com - Post original

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