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Presentación de MonicaNG

Escritora e ilustradora de sus propias historias desde que tiene memoria, también se atreve a llevar a la vida a sus personajes por medio del cómic.



Lenguas habladas:
Français  English  Español 

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93 Seguidores


Comentarios: 55
Posts en el Foro: 2
Nivel: 3, Siguiente nivel en 20 xp
Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 130
Puntos de Traductor: 31



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LTnnOg Dolls - Complete Base Pack

* Here you have a pack with my complete base collection, made from 2005 to 2011.
* They are free for use, but take care of follow my RULES, they are so important in the dolling community!
* Before you use any my bases, props, palettes… make sure you have read and agreed to the terms of use (RULES) included in the pack. 

READ MORE AT: pixel.monicang.com/bases/

* I love see dolls made with my bases. Mention or PM me with them and I'll add them to my collection in DA.
* If you have any questions, PM me.
* Remember, link back your dolls made with my bases to my profile :meow:


De http://monica-ng.deviantart.com - Post original


Farian, Queen of the Sidhe - EV Frustration

Farian is a character from my "Iris" novel who also appears in "MoonSlayer" moonslayer.monicang.com/ as a queen.
Done for Enchanted-Visions theme Frustration.

I used the same technique of my portrait paintings for it. I thought it was a nice idea since I finished a illustrated book with the same style. But I was wrong. So much frustration for complete this one! D: And finally it became another confort-zone piece.

You can see closeups and the process here: monicang.com/portfolio/farian-…

SAI + PSCS6. Pose reference: SenshiStock

Farian Chibi by Monica-NG The Queen of the Golden City by Monica-NG


De http://monica-ng.deviantart.com - Post original


I believe in you - EV Illumination

Lianna, the youngest daughter of the Sun and the Moon, the avatar of the goddess of Hope. From my novel "La Gema de Deneb" (The Gem of Deneb).

"I believe in you", she whispered. And then the gods returned.

Speedpainting. SAI + PS colours. Done for Enchanted-Visions theme of April. Used a faestock photo as pose reference.

Older art with Lianna: 

GoD 3 - Hope - Cover by Monica-NG Gem of Deneb - Puzzle by Monica-NG Lianna en el Bosque by Monica-NG 


De http://monica-ng.deviantart.com - Post original

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