Mordheim fanart (wip)
The perspective is broken but i like the whole thing still.
not finished though...
[quick update] ... With a basic background...
De - Post original 22nov2014
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Mordheim fanart (wip)
The perspective is broken but i like the whole thing still.
not finished though...
[quick update] ... With a basic background...
De - Post original
Draw this again (wip)
old draw redone for no reason... Still wip tho
Here the old drawing :
[update] : more detailed
Le premier tome de la saga est bientôt terminé (plus qu'une poignée de pages à fignoler). En attendant le bouclage de la réédition, une illu faite hier...
=> En plus grand
De Le Site de Tacite - Post original
Dark souls fanart wip (maybe)
Little fanart i made for a game i love. Add more details later i guess...
[Update] Added background...