@Mr_Zaw merci du tweet :)
De @amilova - Post original
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@Mr_Zaw merci du tweet :)
De @amilova - Post original
Meeting de traducteurs
Une FAQ épinglée dans la partie "Tutos - questions - autres" pour les gens qui veulent traduire, ça serait bien. À commencer par : "Comment devient-o (...)
Mort aux vaches - MORT AUX VACHES enfin visible po (...)
Excellente nouvelle ! J'ai hâte de redécouvrir ta BD ;).
Offering translation
Polish is a very good idea !
Some of the comics are already translated in Polish, the member "DrugOn" used to translate Amilova :
http://www.amilova. (...)
Bata Neart
! I hope everyone enjoys the comic! :D
I hope too ;).
Welcome among us ;).
Hey!! this is why i'm here! ^^
I hope you'll find artists for your duo ;).
You should publish some of your scenarios so they can see what you have to offer ;).
By the way, welcome (...)
Capítulo: 2
página: 1
Capítulo: 1
página: 50
Capítulo: 2
página: 1
Mi vida Como Carla
Capítulo: 6
página: 3
Mi vida Como Carla
Capítulo: 6
página: 1
Mi vida Como Carla
Capítulo: 3
página: 5
The Heart of Earth
Capítulo: 3
página: 21
Bata Neart
Thank you Troy! It's great to be here!
I've already uploaded the entire Chapter 1 of Bata Neart. Just trying to figure out how to save it properly :D
All comics - 7 Oníris Colors - 7 Oníris Colors - T (...)
It's great ;) here's the link for starting reading
Thanks ;)
Welcome here Klonoa ;).
I hope you'll make friends too ;). The english speaking community is starting to expand, little by little... and it's great to (...)
L'équipe FullMoon dédicace son 1er livre au TGS les 1 et 2 décembre ! http://www.toulouse-game-show....uest-71-NICOLASTATINCLAUX.html
L'équipe FullMoon dédicace son 1er livre au TGS les 1 et 2 décembre ! http://www.toulouse-game-show....uest-71-NICOLASTATINCLAUX.html
La bâche Full moon, pour qu'on nous voit de loin en festival :)
De Full Moon - Post original
Yamcha 17 30nov2012
Miam, ça donne envie =P