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Presentación de Tanako

Tanako is a Fashion Designer, comic artist, graphic illustrator and writer who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She is currently attending IADT (International Academy of Design and Technology) to get her BA in Fashion design and Merchandising. As a little girl, she enjoyed watching anime and reading manga and was inspired by them.

MAIN WEBSITE: www.bwascomic.com
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/tanakosfan
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/tanakoscreation

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Comentarios: 30
Posts en el Foro: 7
Nivel: 2, Siguiente nivel en 18 xp
Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 82
Puntos de Traductor: 2



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Today is the forth year for BWAS. it seems like yesterday when i started this comic. I’m so glad it was able to make it up to four year. Just want to say thanks for the support guys, without you readers I don’t know if i would have the courage to continue so i appreciate the support and please, please continue to show support by Voting, purchasing books and merchandises from the store or donating. thanks you

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Just realized how backwards i am when it comes to keeping up with this. sorry guys, life just SUCKS for me right now


Hello Guys. Sorry for the missed updates. I have been absolutely busy with work, like and the accident I recently got into so I haven’t had much time to my self. Updates may be extremely slow and I...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Boy with a secret

Capítulo: 6 página: 17

Boy with a secret

Capítulo: 7 página: 1


Updated today: CHECK IT OUT!
Heating romance between Rei and Hinori :)


Hey guys, (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ Here is another awesome page. We get to see Rei and Hinori make out again: D I remember the first time they made out was in chapter 5 page 9 link but it was a bit awkward because...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Like the poster, do check out our store.

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


She walks out the room like a boss, just kidding. Shes pretty depressed as hell.


Hello Guys, :-o There isn’t much going on in this page but I like it. Although I had to change Rei’s outfit like so many times because what ever pattern I used on his shirt turned out a but weird s...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Updated yesterday, check it out.



Hello Guys, been pretty busy lately. Got into an accident and the guy fled the scene, luckily there was someone who saw him and got his information, like license plate and all that. I was hurt but ...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Updated Wednesday. Missed Monday because I didn't have the page ready. www.bwascomic.com
Check it out!

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Updated today so check it out. And also, the shop is now active!


I must say, this therapist is really telling her like it is. Being up front without holding back. Every thing she says is true so I wonder if Hinori will take charge of her body. »I’m happy to anno...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original

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