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Presentación de Tanako

Tanako is a Fashion Designer, comic artist, graphic illustrator and writer who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She is currently attending IADT (International Academy of Design and Technology) to get her BA in Fashion design and Merchandising. As a little girl, she enjoyed watching anime and reading manga and was inspired by them.

MAIN WEBSITE: www.bwascomic.com
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/tanakosfan
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/tanakoscreation

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Comentarios: 30
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Nivel: 2, Siguiente nivel en 18 xp
Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 82
Puntos de Traductor: 2



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Updated today, check it out.!


Hello guys, Sorry for the mid day post. I'm currently at work and was very busy. but i got some time now so here the page. the therapist seem to know what shes talking about. poor girl. i wonder if...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Updated today, Check it out. And, there is a new video in the blog section.


Funny thing about this page is, it was made last minuite. I realized that i didn't have enough flash back and i quickly created it and over all i'm so glad I did. There isn't much going on but it e...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


CHeck out my video guys. Random gist. iike and subscribe :) I will be making more in the future. Just for the heck of it.

Tanako's random gist 101

Honestly there is no motive here just Rants and Gists but please feel free to check out my Web comic (Boy With A Secret) www.bwascomic.com (updates once or t...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Updated yesterday. Check it out guys. Although it's flat color.


Hello Guys I didn't have time to finish coloring this page but i still updated since I managed to flat color it. There isn't much coloring left so it shouldn't take me long to finish it up once i g...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


latest update. sry for going MIA lol


Hello guys \(^▽^)/ Here is the extra update like i promised. Took me some time working on this but i was determined to get it done. It was fun working on this page but at the same time I was kind o...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Updated on Friday. Sorry for the late FB post but you can still check it out on the main website.
- www.bwascomic.com

Boy with a secret: Comics - CH13:14

Here is the page. Late update because had to go to work early. Edit: I like hinori's face in the first panel, so realistic. lol. and i believe this page is a bit emotional because you can tell she's very innocent compared to Haruhi. anyways, more pages to come :) Oh, and lets hope Rei keeps his word...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Updated today. Hinori needs a makeover, she looks like a boy hahah!

Boy with a secret: Comics - CH13:13

Almost forgot that today was a update day. here is the picture i used in comparison to what my work use to look like lol. although i went back and erased Rei's eyebrow, it looked weird so i thought it might look better once i take it out and when i did, it does look way better lol. As for hinori? lo...

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Just posted. She's wants to know what happened and why she's in the hospital, sad.

Also took the time to check out called United States of Tara which was aired about two years ago I believe? Anyways it was on Netflix so I watched it. Actually inspired me :) I need more shows were a character has DID. Might help me with BWAS. Anyways, just wanted to share.

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


I was looking at my previous work and realized how drastic my work has change. Although,i have been practicing my drawing at work when i get a chance. but anyways, just wanted to share.

De Daisy's Creations - Post original


Took a break but finally posted, i guess updates is going to be whenever i can until i'm fully able to maintain a steady work schedule. i have this project which i'm working on and its taking most of my time at the moment. Anyways, check out the newly added page.
Hinori finally wakes up :)

De Daisy's Creations - Post original

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