It's FUCKING unbelievable!! After the dead car battery, the messed up kitchen ventilation, now it's a water leak in the bathroom!! WTF??!!
De @JassBefrold - Post original
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It's FUCKING unbelievable!! After the dead car battery, the messed up kitchen ventilation, now it's a water leak in the bathroom!! WTF??!!
De @JassBefrold - Post original
@lovewin Good job! =D
De @JassBefrold - Post original
Oh shit. Jass, what have you done??? You have sinned again! And this time, it's worst!!!! D;
De @JassBefrold - Post original
@octamous Seriously?? You drink rhum too???
De @JassBefrold - Post original
LOL I do love see all the noob saying I'm cheating at BF3. Wallhack, aimbot, just because they sucks. Seriously...i'm playing BF since 2002.
De @JassBefrold - Post original
Alright, let's finish that kinky stuff!
De @JassBefrold - Post original
@ratlifter Artblock is fatale.
De @JassBefrold - Post original
This sunday will be a 24h sketchs challenge! I have to kill myself on it!
De @JassBefrold - Post original
@Lionalliance0 Firewall problem.... >_>
De @JassBefrold - Post original