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Yes, I am back home. I hope this time it will be longer than one week before I/'ll get back there LOL. Two previous times when Igot back home from hospital, I stayed home for a week then I had to go back there because the pain and fever and all this shit came back. I hope this time I will stay home FOREVER (I mean, in next month I have to go back there for control tests and then I will have to go back there for like 4 days so they could take off the tube from my insides LOL I'm a cyborg I have artificial parts inside). When I was in hospital I tried to draaaaw to not forget how to do it completely, I finished few unfinished pictures, so I'll ...

De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


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What a big baby.

De yummy-yaoi - Post original

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