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hot pepper courting

my stardew valley mainchar girl!!! 

I'm obviously waiting for Shane to be available because shane/farmer is the best tbh <3

do not repost my work without my permission. tumblr link is here: marureenu.tumblr.com/post/1408…


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Post original



stardew valley art of sam, a true bae

do not repost anywhere without my permission, the tumblr post is here: marureenu.tumblr.com/post/1408…


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Post original


you had promise.

you had promise.

the LNC questline absolutely destroyed me

I wanted to help him.

foulques/nephillyr(wol) is my otp and I can't get over them no matter how much the plot progresses sob

do not repost my art anywhere without my permission. the tumblr link is here: marureenu.tumblr.com/post/1374…

Foulques of the Mist, Warrior of Light - FFXIV (c) square enix
art (c) me 


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Post original

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