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Ladies, you just have to love Michael Manning’s artwork…… and note the important training tip in the commentary…… “Tonight she was was going to fuck my ass after all the hornyness was gone”

That my Sisters is how you exert real control over a gurl, strangely something happens to gurls after they discharge (which is why discharges should be strictly controlled) because their psyche changes. For some weird reason they seem to feel less gurly so re-inforcing your control at this stage is really important in helping them overcome these negative feelings, if you’re lucky she’ll squirm and try to resist which makes the penetration and control even more delicious  :-)

De otaking3582hentai - Post original


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Hey guys! long time no see, how you guys doing?
Sorry for my lack of activity, my life was really busy <3


De http://gunneko.deviantart.com - Post original



Little girls are so squishy.

De otaking3582hentai - Post original

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