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I never used the search facility on tumblr, but this is good to know.



As you can see, searching the term ‘ass’ yields 0 results.

Tumblr changed the search (now Search & Discovery) page yesterday. They also permanently flagged any blog they could find that has ever posted or reblogged explicit content as NSFW.

Now your search results, even as a NSFW blog, will not show any NSFW results unless you change the settings to allow them.

Any porn blogs, spread/reblog this so your followers know. Any non-porn blogs, spread/reblog this to your followers. Any cam girls spread/reblog!

Every one should be aware of this new default setting.

As you can see ALL results for tags like #ass. #booty etc. will yield ZERO results unless you change the settings

De otaking3582hentai - Post original


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Hey guys! long time no see, how you guys doing?
Sorry for my lack of activity, my life was really busy <3


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Little girls are so squishy.

De otaking3582hentai - Post original

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