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So, I decided to make a 3D stereogram/magic eye picture/Stereoscopic 3D image of this image here: “WHAT” by history_eraser_button/TheBoogie.

I have never made a stereogram before. To be frank, I had little to no idea how to make it. Flying by the seat of my pants, I made the above… and I think I might have possibly vaugely succeeded. Which is really exciting. Because this was an experiment. The only time I looked up a guide was to figure out how to apply a depth map, which ultimately, I had to figure out on my own anyway, because I don’t use photoshop like everyone else. x3 So… Yeah. Just… Really really excited, happy, self satisfied, and all that bullshit. EEEEeeeee! :D :D :D

De otaking3582hentai - Post original


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Hey guys! long time no see, how you guys doing?
Sorry for my lack of activity, my life was really busy <3


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Little girls are so squishy.

De otaking3582hentai - Post original

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