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Perverted Ponderings: Average Joann

So something I’ve noticed for quite a while is that whenever you Google or search porn sites, the results are usually either something involving a porn actor/actress/model or hentai. Unless you look on someone’s personal blog that says “yes, this is me and/or my significant other”, you probably don’t imagine to see these people at the store or something. I know for a fact that models aren’t the only ones wanting to show themselves online, so what’s going on?

Well, while you can search for porn using such keywords as “shemale”, “teen”, “Asian”, “lesbian”, etc., you can’t really describe average people in a way that search engines can recognize (except if you look up voyeaur vids, but those are bad quality and you’re entirely sure if they’re legal or not). So all of those girls showing off their pussy on their webcams are lumped together with the ladies that may or may not have makeup an photoshop on their vaginas, and of course the latter type of girls are more popular, so that’s what search engines show more of.

Don’t get me wrong - I like looking at those sex models as much as the next perv. But as a man of many fetishes, I like to have a bit more variety.

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Hey guys! long time no see, how you guys doing?
Sorry for my lack of activity, my life was really busy <3


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Little girls are so squishy.

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