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himeechii :
tell me some fantasy of yours ^-^


It seems like a weird question to ask me, but maybe that’s just cuz hardly anyone asks me anything. XD

I have several fantasies.

None of them involve me directly, oddly enough.

They’re more like the sort of things I would put in if I was a writer on a hentai series.

Nurses, genderbending, tentacles, etc.

I imagine some sort of story to tie all my fetishes together, but then it becomes overly complicated when I think too hard.

Maybe I should just watch more hentai and get a better understanding of it all…..

De otaking3582hentai - Post original


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Hey guys! long time no see, how you guys doing?
Sorry for my lack of activity, my life was really busy <3


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Little girls are so squishy.

De otaking3582hentai - Post original

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