I finally put up a characters page for Karasu! I didn’t include too much information, to avoid giving spoilers (ie: this character is actually dead)? Name: Shichi (七)
Race: Tengu
Gender: Male
Occupation: Monk
Notes: Shichi is a both a monk and healer, driven by empathy and the desire to learn. Though he is resourceful and skilled in medicine, he is inexperienced in the ways of the world. Altruistic to a fault, he had dedicated himself to helping others — including those that might want to kill him.
Name: Kana (香菜)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Occupation: Villager
Notes: Kana is an outspoken village girl, showing a genuine curiosity in her surroundings. She is headstrong and independent, yet will occasionally be led astray by her emotions. Kana is naturally kind, readily giving others her time and generosity.
Name: Sagiri (早霧)
Race: Tengu
Gender: Female
Occupation: Monk
Notes: One of the highest ranking monks of the Kurohane Temple, Sagiri is both Shichi’s mentor and parental figure. She is stern and disciplined, never accepting anything less than the best from herself and others. Highly skilled with the naginata, Sagiri has a history of combat experience and dedicated training.
De jisuk - Post original 9jul2013