Okay, perhaps I should expand on my last post.
I realized, as I looked at the half-dozen tabs left open on my browser, that is is really difficult to get me to read anything online. It takes me forever to get through webcomics, I will leave long articles/rants open on a tab for weeks before reading them, and god help my friends if they write a ‘thing.’ As awesome and entertaining and incredible as all of these things are, I have the shortest attention span imaginable when it comes to the internet. I can’t even watch a movie without taking it in 3-4 parts. So the fact that I can post up a chapter and, five minutes later, have comments reacting to it, seriously just blows my mind.
Most of you people have no obligation to read my stuff out of friendship (to be honest many of my friends haven’t even glanced at it), nor do you have any connection to it through a fandom of some kind. You just see it and you read it… and it’s incredibly long. It’s 31 chapters. And you’ve read all of it. You read it and paid attention to it and told me how you felt about it. And drawn pictures. And gushed. And cried. So, I’m genuinely amazed and honored and honestly kind of baffled. So… thank you!
De jisuk - Post original 3ago2013