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[[Now introducing the Ji - a unit of measurement for bird suffering. One Ji has an equivalent force of a ten joule punch to the gut, either physical or emotional.

How does one calculate how many Ji’s a bird is about to probably go through?

Ji = (S^2)F+C

Bird suffering (Ji) equals the number of times the Tengu has smiled since the last measurement (S) squared, times how proportionally full the bird’s gizzard may be (F), plus the number of companions he presently has (C).

An example! Shichi has been relaxing at Uramshiya, and has smiled six times in the past three days. Lunch is still a few hours off, so his stomach is about half empty, and Aki, Chiyo, and Fumie are in the room as well.

Ji = (6^2).5 + 3.
Ji = (36).5 + 3
Ji = 18 + 3
Ji = 21

We can reasonably expect Shichi to suffer 21 Ji’s of abuse some time in the near future…

Wait… Damn.

Tengu beaks can’t smile! Back to the drawing board…]]

This is the best thing I’ve ever seen.

De jisuk - Post original

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