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askkakuro :
I have two questions I'm curious about, will we see more Youkai appear as the story progresses and do Youkai actually possess supernatural abilities in this universe, or are they simply the product of human myths?.


Yes, absolutely! Okay, well, let me explain.

I’ve kind of stripped tengu of all their magical amazingness for some reason… I guess because I wanted to make his life full of suffering more relatable. In myth, they can fucking fly around and do magic and, I don’t know, possess people and make marvelous gusts of wind. I even took away his wings! The first image of Shichi had wings, but when I drew him again I just totally robbed him of all magnificence. When I look at bird skeletons, their wings are basically our arms. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me for something to have wings and arms. I figured, through evolution, their wings would have become arms as they sacrificed the ability to fly in exchange for dextrous thumbs and higher intelligence. GOD my science is just wrecking this potentially wondrous story, isn’t it?

Anyway there’s a point to all this. Yes, the magic is coming. You may or may not remember Chiyo, who I drew earlier. She is a kitsune, and is magic as fuck. She can change her shape (between human and fox), take over people’s bodies, and eat so much food. You seriously won’t believe how much she can eat. And she is coming up in the story pretty soon! There will also be other yokai, though I’m still trying to decide exactly which (leaning towards an oni girl now). 

Anyway, hope that answered your question! Actually, I hope that wasn’t too long of an answer…

De jisuk - Post original

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