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Presentación de Jisuk

Jisuk Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea and is currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jisuk went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and managed to pry a BFA in Animation out of the chairman's trembling, reluctant hands.

Lenguas habladas:
English  日本語 

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Blog de Jisuk

But I shit you not I just saw a guy go by READING A BOOK and SMOKING A CIGARETTE on his BIKE. I can't make this shit up. Bless you Japan.

De @jisuk - Post original


So I was always impressed with Japanese people's ability to multitask on bikes (hold an umbrella, phone, etc)...

De @jisuk - Post original


Tengu Sex

All right, so, after the parts of the book where Shichi and Kana start doing grown up things, a couple people have asked me how it “works” between these two different species. I’d always planned on writing something up but then get too shy and crawl under my desk.


WELL ANYWAY I finally decided to clear this up. This is going to be about sex (in a boring anatomy/science kind of way) so if you aren’t into sexytimes (IT’S NSFW) then please pass over this Tumblr post and carry on with your life. If you’re interested, follow the cut and for the love of god don’t judge me. Don’t worry, there are no pictures.

First of all, tengu anatomy. 

Though they’re humanoid, they lack certain features that actual humans have. Aside from the obvious (hair, noses, etc) they also do not have breasts, nipples, or navels. Because they hatch from eggs, they have no umbilical cord and are not raised on milk.

Naturally, Kana’s naked body was rather interesting to Shichi (and intimidating). It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that nipples are sensitive and he is experimental by nature, so that bridge didn’t take very long to cross. Below the belt, tengu and human females’ reproductive parts are essentially the same (on the outside, I’m not going to go into how eggs are made).

Her anatomy wasn’t the only surprise here, though. After researching bird penises (YES YOU HEARD ME) I came to the conclusion that bird reproduction is either boring (they tap their junk together for literally a second) or HORRIFYING (foot long spiral duck penises oh god why). So, I decided to not take inspiration from birds

Male tengu keep their parts retracted inside of a sheath like many typical mammals. It comes out when it’s ‘needed.’ Their opinions on human dangly parts usually runs along the lines of “That looks dangerous/uncomfortable.” As a result, a particularly ignorant human might have trouble telling a male tengu from a female (despite their differing builds and beak sizes). And so, to Shichi’s great embarrassment, he had to sit through Kana asking “Where is it?”

Something that Kana discovered, and was super fond of, was that a male tengu’s climax is triggered by the female’s. A combination of the sound and feeling is pretty much required for them to peak (theirs happens about 5-10 seconds after). This means that female satisfaction is mandatory, rather than optional.

It isn’t impossible to climax without it, but it is a bit of a pain. So what does this mean for homosexual males? Well, clever chaps that they are, they have perfected he art of mimicking the conditions, ensuring that they too would enjoy fruitful sex lives. And what does that mean for male masturbation? It’s difficult. Possible, but difficult. Sorry, guys. That’s science.

If I forgot to mention anything, or you want further details, please ask me. After I turn red and shiver in embarrassment under my blankets, I will do my best to reply to you in a timely fashion.

De jisuk - Post original


@Hamlet_Machine I saw a gifset on Tumblr. Your hair grew so long! *u*

De @jisuk - Post original


wildmanshedevil :
You know, I saw a picture of a crow standing on the back of a flying falcon, and thought of you and Shichi. :) Just thought I'd mention that!


Hahahahaha this is the best ask.

De jisuk - Post original


Karasu (烏) - Part 10

Because I’m so lazy that I can’t even draw my own OCs, not to mention being horrible at scenery, YUKI DREW THIS CHAPTER’S SKETCH BECAUSE SHE IS AMAZING

Okay, so if any of you remember that picture I drew a long time ago with Shichi on the statue, it was originally drawn with this specific chapter in mind. Obviously, things changed when I actually wrote it out (he is uninjured and wearing a rather nice outfit in that drawing, where in this chapter he is ragged and horrible looking). Also he doesn’t have time to sit around and mope on statues what is this some kind of vacation jeez.

Previous: Part 9

Beginning: Part 1



(sketch by Yuki)

Karasu, Part 10

The rain continued to pour as the two survivors collected the bodies of the fallen. Lacking the resources to perform proper a funeral, they chose to cremate the monks together. The human men had been bound with scraps of cloth and secured to a thick tree, leaving the tengu enough time to go through with their sober task. Teacher and student stood side by side, watching the fire as they offered their final prayers.

It wasn’t the first funeral Shichi had attended. In the decades he’d lived at the temple, he had seen young tengu arrive as the old passed away. He had grown from a boy to an adult and had watched his peers rise and fall. Many of the others were much younger than he — Shichi had never wanted to outlive them. He couldn’t help but think, as he watched the flames consume their remains, that this wasn’t how it was supposed to end.

Shichi and Sagiri avoided speaking as they gathered what supplies they could find. Little had escaped the fire. A sealed box of acupuncture needles had survived, as well as a few robes and a gourd of liquor.

“Take a shakujo,” Sagiri instructed, gesturing to the walking staves that had fallen from their mounts. He knelt, carefully lifting a wooden staff from the film of ash that covered the floor. It had withstood more damage than the others, bearing only a few blackened scratches. Shichi ran his thumb along the iron rings which hung from the head, drawing forth a metallic chime. These were normally only used for ceremonies or as a weapon in self-defense — he had never needed one in the past. When he glanced at Sagiri questioningly, she gave a simple reply.

“We have a long way to walk.”

With a small satchel in one hand and the staff in the other, Shichi followed the older tengu away from the ruins of the temple. He fought the urge to glance back. From that point on, he could only look forward.

Sagiri would not say where they were going. She only instructed that he follow, leading her pupil through the wet forest. Their breath left trails as they walked, making their way over frozen roots and hardened streams. It wasn’t long before Shichi was hit by a wave of dizziness, making each step a hurdle, filling his head with a faint buzzing. Initially, he attributed it to his emotional distress. When his wound began to swell, however, he realized that the source was physical. His skin felt hot around the stitches and he couldn’t discern whether the pounding he felt was from his head or his heart.

Despite his symptoms, he remained silent. Once the men freed themselves, they would surely tell the others of their survival. It was possible they’d be chased — hunted down for as long as it would take. Resting was not an option. He was already slow enough as it was; he was certain that Sagiri had halved her pace for his sake. Tightening his grip on the walking staff, he shook his head and carried on behind her.

On the third day, the dizziness blossomed into a fever. A liquid had begun to seep from his wound, though he dared not remove the bandages to check. The throbbing was so distracting that he almost didn’t notice when Sagiri stopped and spoke.

“We’re here.”

He looked up to see a wide clearing in the woods. Though the trees were bare, their branches were ancient and twisted enough to block most of the sun. Only a few faint streams of light filtered through, revealing a modest hut tucked against the base of a tree. Beside it ran a narrow stream, though most of it had been stiffened into ice. A patchwork of thick roots covered the ground, many dipping hungrily into water’s edge.

“Are we safe?” he asked, his voice hoarse.

When she nodded, Shichi took in a deep breath. The air was icy as it filled his lungs, temporarily cooling his warm throat.

“I have a fever.”

This was all he could manage to say before the staff fell from his hand with a clang, his body dropping curtly to the ground beside it.

He was barely aware of what happened next, vaguely recalling his mentor taking him into the hut. After placing him on a straw mat, Sagiri set to work removing the bandages and checking the state of the wound. She tested the skin around the cut, taking note of the heat and pus. He hissed in pain as she pressed down, drawing a disappointed sigh from her chest.

“It’s infected,” she said, narrowing her eyes. “You knew it was infected.”

Shichi only turned his head, ignoring her accusation.

“You’re an idiot,” Sagiri said, gloriously blunt as she uncapped the gourd of sake she’d salvaged. “And you deserve this.”

There was no time to protest as she placed a hand flat on his collar, using the other to pour the strong alcohol over the reddened flesh. His back jerked into an arc, fingers twisting into the straw as he cried out. Just as he began to catch his breath, she poured once more, robbing him of dignity as he tossed his head back to groan.

“I wouldn’t have had to do this if you’d have told me sooner,” she said, seething as she set aside the gourd. “Everything you’ve been though, and you want an infection to kill you?”

Without giving him a chance to respond, she left the hut to fetch a bucket of water. Upon returning, she washed her hands and set to work cleaning and draining the gash. The excessive length of the cut ensured that it would be a slow process and hiking through the forest had done no favors to his healing. Finally, the wound was dressed and set.

“You’re fortunate that chickweed can grow under the snow,” she said, tilting her head back to drain the remaining liquor in the gourd. When he didn’t respond, she lowered her gaze to meet his own.

“Or did you want to die?”

Shichi only closed his eyes.

“Dying is easy,” Sagiri said, her voice steady. “I taught you better than that.”

After a minute, he looked up again, letting out a soft breath.

“You did,” he admitted, then glanced up at the ceiling of the hut. “What is this place?”

“I spent a long time meditating here before I became an ordained bikuni,” she explained. “And occasionally afterwards, when I needed to clear my mind.”

Shichi could remember the few times that Sagiri had left the temple for a week at a time, usually leaving a staggering list of chores for him to complete before she returned. The hut looked as if she had built it herself. It was rather simple, having just enough space to provide shelter and keep a few necessities. His eye caught sight of a mortar and pestle on a low wooden table — she appeared to have left a few medical supplies from the past, as well.

“How long will we stay here?” Shichi asked, using conversation to distract him from the pain of his infected wound.

“There is another temple a two week’s journey from here,” she said, feeding the fire in the small sand-filled pit near the center of the room. “I will be joining them. You, however, must find your own path.”

Though Sagiri had always been strict with him, stifling his pride with criticism and elusive expectations, the thought of being apart from her left a pang of fear in his chest. She had been a source of guidance and stability for nearly all of his life. He had never been on his own before.

“My own path?”

“Yes,” she replied. “And it will not be easy. You will wander without rest. You will be hunted. You will suffer. All you can do is to devote yourself to helping others. Then perhaps one day your life will find balance again.”

Shichi fell silent. Despite the inevitable hardship he would face on his own, he was thankful for the chance to redeem himself. This, he realized, was why he had survived. Only one thing troubled him about her outlook — if he was destined to suffer, he could not bear asking Kana to share the same fate. If his life was to be spent on repentance, would there be any room in it for love? He remembered, however, his promise to return to her. Her place in his future would be her choice, in the end.

“I understand,” he finally answered.

“Unfortunately,” she continued, glancing down at him with an arched brow. “You’re not yet ready to be on your own. I will train you for one more year before we part.”

Shichi exhaled. He would have embraced her if he weren’t certain that she’d recoil in irritation. Though he had been prepared to make his own way, he felt incalculable relief at her words. One year was a scant amount of time in a tengu’s lifespan, but it would be all that he needed.

“You would still train me, after what I did?” he asked, unable to hide his skepticism.

“Dwelling on the past detracts from the future. You can either lay there and question me, or you can shut your beak and get some rest.”

Shichi took the hint, going quiet as he closed his eyes.

“And you had best sleep while you can. When you’re healed, I’m going to work you to the bone.”

Despite the severity in her tone and the transparent threat in her words, Shichi found himself glad to hear them. He had experienced incredible loss, pain, and guilt in the last few days. Yet somehow, as he lay next to the dim fire, all he could feel was gratefulness for what he had left.

De jisuk - Post original


Photo: lampton: It’s hard to explain with words, but does anyone have this pet peeve with... http://t.co/V3o6xM0bMA

De @jisuk - Post original



It’s hard to explain with words, but does anyone have this pet peeve with earphones/headphones?

It’s when this plastic thing between the two earphone line gets caught against the edge of your desk and gets yanked out of your brain when you stand up.

It’s the most frustrating moment of my existence. 

Mine just gets stuck on my bag.

De jisuk - Post original


psygy :
Not to bug you as I'm not sure if you recived my other message, but I thought I'd share that the song Barlights by Fun fits pretty well for some of Fishbones C:


Oh hey, I checked out the song and I totally agree! Thanks for the recommendation. It’s here if anyone else wants to listen. :)

De jisuk - Post original

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