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Presentación de Jisuk

Jisuk Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea and is currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jisuk went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and managed to pry a BFA in Animation out of the chairman's trembling, reluctant hands.

Lenguas habladas:
English  日本語 

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Blog de Jisuk


IT HAD TO BE DONE. I could not let this glorious thing go uncolored! Oh Aki, you so macho. I wanna watch you save all the men~

lines by Jisuk, colors by me~

If I knew you were going to paint it so nicely I would have DRAWN IT BETTER T__________T

De jisuk - Post original




And if you really want me to answer those questions for Shichi, I will! Huhuhu.

Ahaha, that picture is amazing. And sure, you can answer those questions for Shichi, but on one condition: It either has to reveal Shichi’s latent and secret lust for men, hidden for so long, or it has to be in the form of some show like MTV Cribs or something where Shichi is interviewed as a music artist or something.

Or just do it without conforming to either stipulation, really.

Haha, ok, here you go!

13: Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Gender doesn’t matter much to Shichi. If Kana had been male, their story would probably have ended up the same way. Same with his childhood friend Shusei — if he had been female, their relationship wouldn’t have been any different. As for other people’s sexual orientation… he doesn’t think it’s any of his business who other people are attracted to (eg: Chiyo), nor does he care.

1: What does their bedroom look like?
Shichi’s bedroom in the temple was incredibly modest so sorry if this is a bit boring (I’ve described his room at Urameshiya pretty clearly so I don’t think you need to hear that). His room was small, suitable for one person. There wasn’t much in it aside from a closet to keep his futon in during the day and a rack to hang kimono. He kept a low shelf with a few books (monks don’t have many personal possessions, if any). There may have been a single potted plant, at most, but no cut flowers or trimmings since that would be an unnecessary destruction of life.

21: Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
Okay this might sound a little weird and Freudian but bear with me — since Shichi was mostly raised by Sagiri, he grew to admire her qualities (ie: skilled, driven, authoritative). He has a submissive personality so he needs a dominating partner. The most important thing to him, however, is a good heart.

Physically, he wasn’t particularly attracted to Kana because she’s human and nothing in his instincts told him that she was desirable. Um, don’t tell her that. As for tengu, he doesn’t often concern himself with physical attraction, though he did find himself uncomfortably drawn towards a certain bandit. Probably the most ‘turned-on’ he’s ever been was watching Aki wreck his pumpkins in the garden. He also thought Chiyo’s tengu form was pretty dang cute (as much as he denies it).

He doesn’t have a lot of turn-offs, though off the top of my head it would be poor hygiene, bigotry, and extreme narcissism.

(Druish princesses are often attracted to money and power — and I have both, and you know it!)

De jisuk - Post original




7: Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time.
Aki doesn’t like wasting time. There are always people to go after, skills to improve, and money to make. In the right circumstances (good company), however, she’ll drink all the way to sunrise.

41: Hobbies?
She likes to play shogi (general’s chess), which is a strategic board game. She also enjoys practicing her swordplay (unfortunately for Shichi’s vegetable garden). This can be done alone or by sparring — either is enjoyable for her.

And if you really want me to answer those questions for Shichi, I will! Huhuhu.

(In response to this post)

De jisuk - Post original



7: Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time.
Aki doesn’t like wasting time. There are always people to go after, skills to improve, and money to make. In the right circumstances (good company), however, she’ll drink all the way to sunrise.

41: Hobbies?
She likes to play shogi (general’s chess), which is a strategic board game. She also enjoys practicing her swordplay (unfortunately for Shichi’s vegetable garden). This can be done alone or by sparring — either is enjoyable for her.

And if you really want me to answer those questions for Shichi, I will! Huhuhu.

(In response to this post)

De jisuk - Post original



I suddenly felt the urge to draw a Chiyo-Shichi-Egg cuddle circle because of the newest Karasu chapter~

Unfortunately Ji is asleep now so I can’t show her :( But it’s now 6:30 am, so I guess I should sleep too!

Awwwwggghhhhhh T_T It’s too much I can’t handle it!! Thank yoou!

De jisuk - Post original



Karasu: Book II 五 Part 05 (Raven)

And you thought I was kidding.

De jisuk - Post original


Karasu: Book II 五 Part 05 (Raven)

And you thought I was kidding.

De jisuk - Post original


I was telling Yapi about Unsolved Mysteries since I heard something that reminded me of the super creepy theme song. I used to watch that show all the time when I was a kid with my family. I just want to show her ONE normal episode (like a murder or kidnapping etc) and it’s IMPOSSIBLE to find online. I even checked iTunes cause I’d be willing to pay for a single episode but NOPE. Does anyone have any leads for this show? PS: I can’t torrent it’s blocked on our internet.

De jisuk - Post original


Okay, I think I’ve got it and please correct me if I’m wrong.

But I think I figured out a simple rule for leaving comments on art. Just ONE rule. Bear with me, okay?

Can the artist say ‘thank you?’

If the answer is no — your comment is lacking! And this doesn’t mean you have to say positive things, either. It can be:

Thank for the critique.

Thank you for your kind words.

Thank you for pointing that out.

Thank you for your insight.

Thank you for the advice.

ANYTHING, really!

Here are examples of comments that an artist cannot say ‘thank you’ to, no matter how hard they try.

"This character looks just like me!"

"I love Naruto!"

"Why do you like this game? It sucks since the last expansion."

And so on. I don’t know, what do you guys think? I’ll probably use this as a personal guideline (when I leave comments), anyway. \( ̄□ ̄)\

De jisuk - Post original


fforfrog :
3, 5, 6, and 12 please. :D



In response to this post!

3: Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often? Shichi doesn’t exercise intentionally. He does a lot of physical work, especially when he was at the temple. The most stationary time of his life was probably at Urameshiya, and even then he was still cleaning, gardening, and helping in the restaurant. Now, he’s traveling again, which means he’s on his feet 90% of the time. The closest thing he does to intentional exercise would be occasional yoga (not much since he left the temple, though).

5: Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.) He’s incredibly organized and clean. He bathes whenever he can and often washes his hands, face, etc. Though it’s part of his personality, it’s also necessary to being a doctor. It’s no good to tend wounds or illnesses in an unclean environment (nor is it good to spread disease). Also, he deals with a great number of herbs and materials that must be kept in order. Not to mention Sagiri is the one who trained him and she has zero tolerance for sloppiness.

6: Eating habits and sample daily menu. Though he enjoys food and appreciates a well-cooked meal, he often forgets to eat. His stomach is fairly low on his list of priorities and it seems that those around him must often remind (or force) him to eat. He’s a vegetarian (shojin ryori) and is used to eating simple, modest meals.


Kurohane Temple Sample Menu (with recipes — sorry some are in Japanese)

Steamed rice (with umeboshi) [no recipe because yeah]
- Tsukemono (assorted pickled vegetables)

Rice and tsukemono are served with every meal below!


Wakame Miso soup (seaweed miso)
Goma Tofu (sesame tofu)
Mushinasu (steamed eggplant with ginger)


None, only two meals per day are served at the temple.


Kenchinjiru (vegetable soup)
Miso Kabocha (pumpkin with miso)
Hijiki Salad (seaweed, carrots, and edamame)

Note: While monks in certain countries/sects eat one meal a day or nothing before noon, tengu monks have their own regulations. Also after leaving the temple he just eats whenever he remembers to.

12: Favorite book genre? Shichi likes reading all kinds of books. Most commonly he reads books on medicine and herbs, but he also enjoys stories, historical tales, and spiritual texts.

De jisuk - Post original

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