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Presentación de Jisuk

Jisuk Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea and is currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jisuk went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and managed to pry a BFA in Animation out of the chairman's trembling, reluctant hands.

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English  日本語 

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To answer you guys, here is Shichi is two states of fluffs… attraction, and embarrassment.

To be more specific, during ‘that time of year’ tengu do all kinds of things — feathers play a big part. Anything to make them more prominent, displaying arms/tails more openly, puffing up, etc… and sometimes its not even done consciously. Long, healthy feathers are considered very attractive. When actually attracted to someone, pupils dilate and their beaks grow warmer.

So, yes, they also puff up in embarrassment, fear, happiness, and other emotions. If you read the story, you can see Shichi react with his feathers on occasion (ie: when Kana pets him). 

Not quite a joke, but tengu monks aren’t sworn in until their first winter after puberty. By then they’ll have figured out if they’ve made a ‘huge mistake’ or not.

De jisuk - Post original


weia-yo :
Does Shichi ever get hit on(maybe in the inn or by some other tengu) and if so, how would he respond?


If it were a non-tengu, he would turn them down rather politely. If it were a tengu, well, winter is breeding season so he would have a lot of internal embarrassment, frustration, and self-restraint before also turning them down politely.

Hormones, man.

De jisuk - Post original


Hmm… what do you guys think?

De jisuk - Post original


shiroxix :
Don't give him a tail. Think about the logistics of that on a humanoid body. He wouldn't be able to sit, run, lay down or even kneel without it getting in the way.



oh right

De jisuk - Post original


Characters | KARASU

I finally put up a characters page for Karasu! I didn’t include too much information, to avoid giving spoilers (ie: this character is actually dead)? imageName: Shichi (七)

Race: Tengu
Gender: Male
Occupation: Monk
Notes: Shichi is a both a monk and healer, driven by empathy and the desire to learn. Though he is resourceful and skilled in medicine, he is inexperienced in the ways of the world. Altruistic to a fault, he had dedicated himself to helping others — including those that might want to kill him.

imageName: Kana (香菜)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Occupation: Villager
Notes: Kana is an outspoken village girl, showing a genuine curiosity in her surroundings. She is headstrong and independent, yet will occasionally be led astray by her emotions. Kana is naturally kind, readily giving others her time and generosity.

imageName: Sagiri (早霧)
Race: Tengu
Gender: Female
Occupation: Monk
Notes: One of the highest ranking monks of the Kurohane Temple, Sagiri is both Shichi’s mentor and parental figure. She is stern and disciplined, never accepting anything less than the best from herself and others. Highly skilled with the naginata, Sagiri has a history of combat experience and dedicated training.

Read more

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randomtengureporter :
[[Huh... I was actually about to ask about the tail feathers myself. Rats. Okay, fall back question; do Tengu preen each other as a socialization activity, or is it considered as personal and intimate as bathing? Or, conversely, is it nothing more than hair brushing for us Humans?]]


Now you guys are really making me want to give him a tail! Do you think it would be too late to add one? As for preening, it’s more like brushing hair. It can also be done socially, especially between parents and children. They don’t do it in public, though — that would be a bit rude.

De jisuk - Post original


askkakuro :
Shichi mentions in Chapter 20, that the skills of a Tengu swordsman/women are legendary. Granted they probably have to train for it like everyone else, but is it still something of a natural skill?. Also how fast are Tengu capable of moving like in terms of mph?.


It’s definitely in their blood. Tengu are faster than humans, especially females (they’re generally smaller and more lithe). Sadly, Shichi doesn’t even have a hidden skill in fighting. Compared to other tengu, the poor fellow just isn’t very good at it. As for mph, holy crap I don’t know, I don’t even know how fast I can walk. What are numbers!

De jisuk - Post original


coonblr :
Drawing shichi i couldnt help but notice and wonder... does tengu (or at least the ones you draw) have feathery tails or tail at all?


Sometimes I wish I had given him a tail in his initial design, but currently tengu do not have any. Maybe I should… change that…

Regrets. I’ve had a few.

De jisuk - Post original



This kanzashi is a sweet accessory for summer yukata or other kimono. Grab one in the “source"!

(Source: etsy.com)

So lovely~ *u*

De jisuk - Post original


earthbirth :
He looks like he's trouble. Roughneck trouble. Thief guy?


She is from Chapter 20.

De jisuk - Post original

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