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Presentación de Jisuk

Jisuk Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea and is currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jisuk went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and managed to pry a BFA in Animation out of the chairman's trembling, reluctant hands.

Lenguas habladas:
English  日本語 

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3 Seguidores

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Comentarios: 0
Posts en el Foro: 0
Nivel: 1, Siguiente nivel en 50 xp
Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 0
Puntos de Traductor: 0



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Blog de Jisuk


Aaahhh omg all the sultry Chiyos! You are FANTASTIC I love the way you paint! Thank you, you beautiful human being!

hahaha thank you!! 

I couldn’t resist after Chiyo got voted most attractive, ahhhh.

Weren’t you one of the ones who voted for Shichi? That actually made me kind of happy, haha… ;-;

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I recorded myself pronouncing all my character’s names oh god so embarrassing. But I hope that some of you try to do this, too! Especially if your characters have unique or foreign names.

Name Pronunciations

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I got this crazy idea in my head to record myself pronouncing all of my character’s names and then posting it here, but now I’m too nervous to start…


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二十四 Part 24 (Urameshiya)


(illustration by Yuki)

Here is Part 24! I should note that ‘Urameshiya’ was named by Yuki, too. I can’t come up with clever Japanese names on my own. There isn’t really any action or drama here, but that’s probably a good thing after the last few chapters… right? Guys? Come back…

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二十四 Part 24 (Urameshiya)

(illustration by Yuki)

Here is Part 24! I should note that ‘Urameshiya’ was named by Yuki, too. I can’t come up with clever Japanese names on my own. There isn’t really any action or drama here, but that’s probably a good thing after the last few chapters… right? Guys? Come back…

De jisuk - Post original




Hey followers! I will be making some Karasu stickers from the temple logo and they will be totally free! All I need is your precious, life-giving feedback. Just leave five comments on any chapters on the Karasu website, then email me with your address. I won’t be policing the comment lengths or anything, but please try not to just say “Cool.” and call it a day. If your email name is different from your commenting handle, please let me know so I can connect the two!

Karasu Website: jisukcho.com/karasu
Email: jisukcho at gmail

Details: 38mm or 1.5” diameter - Printed on thick durable vinyl with a glossy finish. Every five comments you leave gets you one sticker. (ie: 15 comments = 3 stickers)

If you would prefer the dark design (left side) or the light one (right side) let me know, otherwise it will be random.

The deadline for this promotion is June 30th! I won”t be ordering the stickers until then (so I know how many I need) so please be patient, thanks!

Love you guys so much. ;-; <3

This is the last day to participate or email me requesting your sticker/s!

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I may have accidentally thrown a little cosplay of Chiyo…

(Chiyo is from Jisuk’s amazing Karasu, if you haven’t read it yet, go read it now: http://jisukcho.com/karasu/ )


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Jisuk-Cho: Karasu

Coming soon - Summer 2014


Karasu & Shichi (c) Jisuk Cho

Wow, jeez. I’ve never gotten a gift art like this before! I really like the colors — it looks so pro! Did you write the title yourself? Thank you so much! o_o

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More quickie sketches!

Naked wet bathing Chiyo was deemed too risque for Jisuk’s blog, so have not-so-naked sweaty Chiyo instead. With no background. Har har.

Waaaauuuhhhh thank you! ;-;

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randomtengureporter :
Some writers believe in the sanctity of the lines between fictional realities, and other delight in setting them on fire for the sake of silliness. "Honored Sagiri? What is your favorite type of food? The public wants to know!"



Sagiri: “I view food as sustenance, rather than a pleasure. If asked to choose, I prefer umeboshi (梅干), pickled plums. They’re good for digestion and especially useful for fatigue when training or fighting."

Shichi: “She also likes to eat sweets like manju when she thinks no one is looking."

Sagiri: “Twelve years dungeon."

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