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Presentación de Jisuk

Jisuk Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea and is currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jisuk went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and managed to pry a BFA in Animation out of the chairman's trembling, reluctant hands.

Lenguas habladas:
English  日本語 

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3 Seguidores

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Nivel: 1, Siguiente nivel en 50 xp
Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 0
Puntos de Traductor: 0



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Blog de Jisuk



In regards to this meme!

12) Most attractive: Chiyo - Well, I guess, to gay women. 

13) Most successful: Sagiri - You know that other temple she went off to? Already head monk. I’m done here.

23) Best to worst chef: ??? - Character who has not yet been introduced. I hope you’ll like her! As for worst chef, it’s Chiyo. She’ll just eat a chicken raw (yet still manages to be picky when served food). Kana is a pretty good cook. Shichi and Sagiri are competent, but vegetarian monk food is not famous for being flavorful or creative.

You can see the whole list here.


Oh Ji, don’t you make me want to draw Chiyo porn too~ <3

You’re like the Johnny Appleseed of Rule 34.

De jisuk - Post original


In regards to this meme!

12) Most attractive: Chiyo - Well, I guess, to gay women. 

13) Most successful: Sagiri - You know that other temple she went off to? Already head monk. I’m done here.

23) Best to worst chef: ??? - Character who has not yet been introduced. I hope you’ll like her! As for worst chef, it’s Chiyo. She’ll just eat a chicken raw (yet still manages to be picky when served food). Kana is a pretty good cook. Shichi and Sagiri are competent, but vegetarian monk food is not famous for being flavorful or creative.

You can see the whole list here.

De jisuk - Post original


二十三 Part 23 (Name)



Ah, sorry for the long wait. I was out of town for a while, but I’m back now and writing again! Here is the end of the second arc of Karasu.

Reblogging for morning people. :) (you guys are crazy)

De jisuk - Post original


Unfortunately I have to leave for work in an hour, and I don’t get home until midnight, so it’s now or never. The chapter is hidden until I fix it. :(

De jisuk - Post original


Try to fix this chapter and its so SHITTY AND FORCED ugh what is writing.

De jisuk - Post original


Sorry, Chapter 23 was posted prematurely. I don’t have anyone to proofread or give feedback before parts are uploaded so I sometimes fail to notice when a chapter is actually a huge pile of horse shit and not ‘literature.’ I’ll put it back up once it’s fixed, sorry!

De jisuk - Post original


二十三 Part 23 (Name)

Ah, sorry for the long wait. I was out of town for a while, but I’m back now and writing again! Here is the end of the second arc of Karasu.

De jisuk - Post original


Nueva página de Fishbones

En Español, chapitre 2, page 57


Hey all! Regarding this superlatives meme, thanks for all of your asks! I’ll try my best to draw a decent picture for each one. Here are the ones that have already been asked just so you know what’s coming:

1) Tallest to shortest
5) Kindest to rudest
7) Most intelligent
8) Most creative
9) Most social
12) Most attractive
13) Most successful
14) Most fashionable - Finished!
15) Most honest to least
16) Most confident - Finished!
17) Most likely to save someone in a burning building
19) Most likely to get married and have children
23) Best to worst chef

But, I have a question! I’m having trouble with 12 (most attractive) because I think pretty much all of my characters look average. So what do you guys think? Which Karasu character is most attractive to you?

De jisuk - Post original

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