@EnEnKay That won't happen if you put together a plan and have friends to back you up. There will always be people who love and support you.
De @jisuk - Post original
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@EnEnKay That won't happen if you put together a plan and have friends to back you up. There will always be people who love and support you.
De @jisuk - Post original
@EnEnKay Just remember, don't ever forget, mistakes and failure are part of life. Keep trying. I'm positive that you'll make it.
De @jisuk - Post original
@EnEnKay There was an SVA graduate, Andrew Dayton, who was rejected from Pixar 11 times before they hired him. Now hes a technical director.
De @jisuk - Post original
@EnEnKay And you might fail and fail and fail before you succeed. Just keep failing and learning and I promise you'll get there.
De @jisuk - Post original
@EnEnKay Then, research studios in that area. Find out what they want. Give it to them.
De @jisuk - Post original
@EnEnKay Think of a place you'd like to go where you have some friends and there is a growing art industry. IE: California.
De @jisuk - Post original
@EnEnKay I was broke and had to borrow money and stay with friends but it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
De @jisuk - Post original
@EnEnKay In that case, apply out of town and if someone bites, take the leap. I went to NYC on a job offer and it changed my life.
De @jisuk - Post original
@EnEnKay Also internships will get you solid connections and a chance to show them what you're capable of. And you're capable of so much.
De @jisuk - Post original
@EnEnKay And, if you don't mind toughing it out at home for a little longer, you could always go for internships. It's a good way to learn.
De @jisuk - Post original